Model:Samples Feature Requests Thread

I’m sure you just have to push the pad, i discovered that not long ago, try it

Exactly, you mute until you got your finger on the pad

I’m not sure what you mean. Just pressing the pad doesn’t mute anything.

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yes, pressing the pad mutes, you got one?

Pressing the pad doesn’t really mute, it prevents the sequencer from triggering because the pad controls always override the sequencer.

What the person is asking for is mute mode like on the other machines. Where the machine remains in a state which tracks can be muted and unmuted simply by pressing a trig.


okay, mistaking, i understand that :nerd_face:

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They should switch the fine tuning around so I don’t have to hold the most unreliable button on the unit “FUNC” to go up in semitones again. In general the FUNC button is too unreliable to have so much responsibility. My FUNC button is again broken for the second time in a month and the fact that “play” becomes “delete pattern” when the broken FUNC activates is absolute madness.

They should do a new firmware that takes a massive load of responsibility off the FUNC button for mutes etc as it’s used x4 then any other button and just can’t handle it.


:bowing_man: :pray:

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Another request for changing pad velocity curves. Even if velocity curves aren’t an option, at least we could set a lower and upper limit on velocity, so the range could be 60 - 120, for example, which would be much more playable. With the current implementation I find that I have to use the pads in fixed velocity mode nearly all the time, they just aren’t playable otherwise with most samples.

Adding my own request, I think FUNC + MAIN VOL knob should control screen and LED brightness! So you can quickly turn it up and down in dim or bright light.

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I really like the idea of merging/comping two or more tracks with a basic track priority setting (when there are two note triggers at same spot). This would just be much like an extension of the sample lock feature, but act as a basic old school 4-track pingpong technique for freeing up new tracks.

I’d also really like to be able to parameter lock a pan. seems like a no brainer.


Sample locks are cool, but kind of a drag to program. It would be so awesome if there was a way to switch from melodic mode to sample lock mode where the trigger pads each get a locked sample. Then you could bang out a sample locked pattern in live recording mode. Yes yes?


If model: Sample and Model:Cycle could understand and react to the MMC messages sent to it, especially PLAY, PAUSE and STOP using the SYSEX format, it would be lovely.

F0 7F Device-ID 06|07 [Sub-ID#2 [parameters]] F7

Device-ID: MMC device's ID#; value 00-7F (7F = all devices); AKA "channel number"


I wish we could place trigs that already have locked parameters for the current track settings. Maybe even just the current sample or filter cutoff.

Yes, please.

Panning Plocks
Pattern mode
Instant pattern switch option
Mute mode


Different delay time for each track rather than a global one would be great. I know it doesn’t fit the current Model:Samples design, but hey.

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Another feature - when Retrig is enabled, in live recording mode, when pressing one of the Tx buttons the automatically triggered notes should be recorded. Would make it way easier to record live some interesting hihats or drumrolls

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Easy way to turn LFO on/off for a given track.

Not so hard to hold LFO and touch a parameter like pitch to turn it on, but very clunky to turn it off, especially in a live performance

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I’d like to request more distortion. The distortion is pretty tame even at max settings and it’s making me think about doubling up on certain samples to have a more distorted version available. It would be great if the distortion control allowed quite a lot more dirt.


[LFO]+[PLAY] will reset current track’s LFO settings.