Model:Samples only music

Hi, saw your post. Great music! Quick noob question - i’ve had the M:S for a few days now, first foray into drum machines/sampler…
How do you get to add more pages to a pattern - I found out how to cut triggers to make odd rythms, but cannot find the way to add 1-2-3 page more so that i can build a rythmic pattern that ends with a nice fill :slight_smile:


@FredM hit function + page while in grid recording mode and you can extend to 16, 24, 32 and 64 steps (1, 2, 3 and 4 pages)


Thanks, your reply was reaaaaaaaally fast!
I think I’m getting the hang of it. Having so much fun!

There are other little tricks to extend things even more too. Say you want to do a little snare fill at the end of the pattern, but only every four times through (well, on the fourth time). If you have some space for the fill snares, you can fill them in, then hold down just the fill snares (not the normal ones) and turn the chance knob until it says 4:4. Now those snares will only play at the end of the pattern on the fourth time through. (Whether the pattern is 16 notes, 64 or anything else.)

Chance/Conditions really help liven and extend the patterns in a fairly natural way.


I wanted to make a new beat but got caught up noodling around and recorded this little ambient piece:


So here is the first track that I produced using the M:S as the main rhythm bed. I’ve loaded several of my own kits onto the machine and am really loving it (the only previous drum machine I’ve used is an old Alesis HR16 - I still have it!).


Reminds me a bit of FSOL: Lifeforms. Nice!


Thanks! I’m feeling honored.

This is just a beat with some visuals. I forgot to press record on the cam. :slight_smile:


Hello :wave:t2:

A little Ambient, Hip-Hop, Acid experimentation. Not sure how I feel about this one…hope you guys enjoy :headphones:


This is fantastic!

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Thank you very much!

Hello :wave:t2:

Another ambient hip-hop experiment. came together really quickly, and I think the less thought you put into the creative process can sometimes lead to the best results. Go with your gut!


Oh, now I do like that. Crunchy, sleazy, dirty meaty. Nice one.

Only M:S



thanks man, appreciate the love!

first thing i’ve done. all samples that came with it because ive been to lazy to load decent samples.


loving this machine. i’ve played maybe 4-5 gigs so far since release?
the best part is how fast it is. feels even faster than my e2s which is literally just press record and hit things.

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Easy to handle :heart_eyes: it can tow any fridg soundz :relaxed:

A first draft !:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
iam very happ y with it !
Poly rythm and nice sound parameter :hugs:
For my part it is complete with any others gears
Enjoying with my new lady :kissing_heart:

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