Modulating P-Locks On Digitone

Hey there, I was wondering if there’s a way to modulate/override p-locks on the Digitone? For example, say I have a full drum track on track one, with a kick, snare, and a hi hat. Is there a button combination I could press to tweak not just the “main sound” but the p-locked sounds as well? Say the kick is the main sound and I increase the decay on it, I’d like something I could hold to increase the decay on the high hats and snare too, or even other kicks where maybe I’ve shortened the decay or something. Similar to how if you hold midi you can tweak the same parameter on all tracks at once. I feel like this would be a super useful feature for live performance and recording interesting glitches and variations into my DAW. Sorry if this question has already been asked, I couldn’t find anything!