Modulo TRC with non-standard pattern lengths

I’m experimenting with polyrhythms again and I’m a little confused by the way Modulo is working.

A Trig with TRC set to 1:8 should play the first time and then stay silent the following 7 times that it is passed by the sequencer.

Here’s a set up to illustrate my problem:

  • Start with a blank pattern and default sound on Track 1 (for the sake of clarity).
  • Set Scale Setting to Advanced. Track 1 to 5/16 and Master to Len 12.
  • Place a Trig on Step 1
  • Press Play

Because of the overlap when Track 1 (5 steps) is restarted by the Master Len (12 steps), Trig 1 will play twice every other time. This is as expected.

  • Press Stop
  • Now set the Trig’s TRC to 1:8
  • Press Play

The Trig plays the first time but when the Modulo condition comes around again (after 7 passes where it is ignored), why does it sound twice and continue to sound twice from then on?

Am I misunderstanding the way the Track length / Master length overlap works?

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This is what happens with 1:3 - I don’t get it either !

Here’s where I expect the Trigs to play (with TRC 1:8, Pat Len 5/16 and Master Len 12), on the "X"s:


but the A4 plays:


My reply got sent too soon during edit btw
I was testing against a simpler 1:3 case
I am a bit stumped about how the count is followed
Top line is a track with no TRC
Second line is the count as you might expect it
Third line is what I get
I’m sure it’s just as tricky to follow the 1:8 case, but I think 1:3 is easier to test out

I’m seeing the unexpected triggering with any Pattern Length where there is an offset.

Regardless of the Modulo, I wouldn’t expect two adjacent Trigs to fire.

I suspect that, when the Pattern restarts due to the Master Len being reached, the Modulo count is forgotten.

Now I’m really confused!

Yeah, I think there’s a bug in there
or an issue
The part of a pattern which is interrupted loses its count in effect
If you map that out it will give the pattern I saw

So by not getting to the end of its expected track length it doesn’t get to add the 1 (i.e. the additions are performed at the end of the pattern, not as they pass the trigs)

I have a sneaky feeling this has been discussed before, at least in part




The bold values represent the counts not stored
So somehow, it does the count, but forgets the count because end of line was not reached when it reaches 12 prematurely (in terms of track position)

There’s a case to say this is an issue

Yes, I think you’re right.

I was hoping to get more variation from a single TRC - by exploiting the fact the Pattern restarts when Master Len is reached.

On occasions like this we can call on Super @Ess to come to the rescue :wink:

Yes, and I think it is easier to understand looking at this thread than trying to explain in a Ticket.

No doubt, and annoyingly, FTR @elektronauts , these characters line up very nicely in the editor, but get given a different character spacing once posted (thus the padding with dots)

Numbers are always a problem with non-fixed width fonts. Maybe we could get some fresh Emoticons for laying out grid-patterns.

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Can’t you use the “preformated text” option?



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Ooooooh, Pre-formatted text :thup:

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Plan B @rikrak is to ticket a link to here and a brief explanation. Good spot

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@avantronica I haven’t had the time to look into it today, will check this out tomorrow.


Thanks Simon.

The tl;dr is that it seems the Modulo counter doesn’t increment properly when Master Len causes a Track to restart before the end of a page.

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Let’s tag this as a potential #ARbug for now so we can find/review it later unless anyone (@void maybe ?) has a theory