Mono input to stereo output ( stereo sample )

Hello there,

Yesterday I was triying to sample a mono synth that was triggered with a midi track on the octatrack.
I assigned to the track recorder input A ( not AB ). The main outputs of the octatrack were routed to the interface so I was listening in stereo, but however I did a check on the headphones output of the octatrack and I just listened one channel, the left.

Is there any options to have a proper stereo sample instead of having done the recording from a mono source??

I’m still on 1.25 D, probably I should update the machine…


Did you listen to your sample playing back, or did you monitor the audio going in on your A input?

If the latter, direct monitoring is for stereo signals only. To monitor a mono signal you can use a thru track instead.

If you record using recording trigsanother option is to place a trig for the recording buffer you sample to on a flex track on the same step you start recording. That way, the sample you are recording will play back at the same time.

to place a trig for the recording buffer you sample to on a flex track on the same step you start recording.

I think I’ve done that.

thanks for your support. I’ll try again.