Monomachine Love Thread

It can be any machine you like, it is not taking the audio from the track as the modulator, it is just taking the pitch frequency from whatever notes are being played/sequenced on that track.

I assume for a D-pro ensemble machine it takes the base pitch only.

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A couple quick slide questions. Sorry if this seems simple, but Iā€™m trying to use the slide to slide step one pitch to the pitch of step 13. Now, I think I figured out that portamento slides the notes into each other- Or thatā€™s what the manual says. So, the slide trigs are only used for sliding between different parameter locks. This I shouldā€™ve figured out by now. Am I right in this conclusion? And this is the same for my OT, and AK? I donā€™t know why I thought the slide trigs had something to do with note slides. Of course on the OT in order to slide pitch I would have to put a slide trig on the step I want to slide from and then plock the pitch on the trig i want it to slide to? I hope Iā€™m not confusing myself here. The AK has portamento, so should be the same as the MnM. Thanks
@IanEye oops, didnā€™t mean to reply to you.

Correct, the SLIDE track specifies which steps should have their parameter locks slide to the next instance of that parameter being locked. It doesnā€™t slide pitch, that is the portamento function as you say. But you can p-lock portamento to control when and how fast it happens.


This is interesting, so depending on how far away the trigs are from each other you have to sort of adjust the plocked portamento to get the slide to line up? Or, thatā€™s what Iā€™m experiencing. Anyways, The sliding plocks part is amazing (as I get my head around it all). Thanks for the tip. Very happy accidenty,

Yes, the portamento value defines the speed of the slide. I think it is also affected by the global tempo (like LFO speed, delay time etc).

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Very cool to see this thread just keeps going. Been investigating the key tracking as a mod source quite a bit lately and it has become one of my fav things about this machine. Also the ā€œseqā€ inside the arp is incredible. Both are something quite unique as far as I know. The SID machine is wild when used in poly mode and the key tracking is set to modulate the mod osc. Lots of amazing sweet spots to be found that way. Next up I will try to make sense of the amp, filter and lfo selection in the arp menu bc I have no clue what its about. If Elektron would decide to implement trig conditions to the MD and MnM it would be incredible given the depth of these machines already.


As for the envelopes I too have had some issues with the clicks and pops but on the other hand it seems to me that they react in a nicer way to modulation than say the envs on A4 or some modulatable eurorack envs IĀ“ve tried. Also with very short decay and long release you can have these beautiful almost reverb-ish ā€œtrailsā€ when used in poly mode. I donĀ“t think IĀ“ve ever encountered this type of behavior on any other synth and its kinda refreshing.

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Wanted to thank @LaughingAnimal @finalform and @LyingDalai for all the tips, and help. The other night was really a break through on the MnM for me. I tried poly mode. Got slide trigs figured out, and portamentoā€¦All in one night, and I endedd up with these crazy soundscapes that I wouldā€™ve never explored. Before that I was really having problems getting longer evolving sound designy stuff. Tonight Iā€™m going to add key tracking (as @Strutter mentioned) as well. My mind is blown. Hope there is even more to learn. Cool. Great machine. Great community!


Awesome! This community is gold. :slight_smile: edit: I just realised you can also use the pitch tracking on the fx channels for all the parameters, this is insane.


I think they should be called the ā€œModularmachineā€.
Using one track to effect another, then the audio matrix page. And so much moreā€¦
Also, in blessed to have the keyboard version with the joystick.

How exactly can you use one track to effect another? This might be a dumb question I already have the answer for somewhere in my head but I just woke up and canĀ“t remember now. Or do you mean using a track as an fx track to another? English isnĀ“t my first language so sometimes these things can be confusing to me, so just to be sure.

Sorry I havenā€™t had my mm out for a while.
But for an example, I made a hi hat patch; I had three tracks with differently tuned sine wave s then sent them to another track to filter and envelope.
Something like that anyway.


Okay. IĀ“m still just beginning to learn this machine so havenĀ“t investigated the audio routing side really, except for using the fx machine on tracks. No doubt the joystick is a powerful and fun way to control things. However I still prefer having the snapshots, storage space and wave machines instead.

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Would love to hear some examples of that! Iā€™m also trying to take a deeper dive into this wonderful machineā€¦

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You can use trig tracks to trigger multiple machines/tracks from a single track. You can buss tracks to C/D or E/F and run the buss though an FX machine. You also have the mod options for the SID machine mentioned above.

Combining/chaining machines is a key advantage & differentiator of the MnM architecture.


I read somewhere that the AE sysex revealed some kind of ā€œclever use of the lfosā€ and wonder what that might entail. Not planning to check them out yet myself bc I want to find my own way of using the MnM first. Still IĀ“m a bit curious about that aspect tbh.

You canā€™t directly use one trackā€™s LFOs on another track (as you can on the MD), but you can use an LFO to modulate another LFO. I have downloaded the AE sysex but must admit I havenā€™t delved into it so not sure what they were doing.

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Then IĀ“m suspecting its something like having two or three lfos modulating different (or possibly the same) parameters on trig or free mode with the same speed and mult. settings but with different phase to create weird push/pull action.

Yeah, that can be done. LFOs can be p-locked too of course, plus you can trigger LFO phase reset with LFO trigs, without retrigging the amp or filter envelopes (using the trig type select button on the far right). Thereā€™s a lot of possibilities!


If I remember correctlyā€¦you can assign an external controller to the joystick parameters

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