Monomachine Love Thread

It’s pitch bend for left / right, mod wheel for up and breath controller for down.


Not too many midi joysticks out there I reckon. I saw a DIY project for MnM somewhere when I bought mine but cannot remember where it was. The way I´m learning the MnM seems to be kinda on/off thing and I tend to get fully immersed in it for couple of weeks and then my mind needs to rest for some time. Returning to this thread this time feels more fruitful than before. Some of the initial confusion has turned into slight familiarity and the tips and tricks shared here are being added to the pool. Today alone has been full of revelations and although it would be nice to have more control over the machine via joystick, I´m not sure I´d like any extra cords, wall warts etc. involved.

you don’t need a joystick, you can use anything [CC]. and as @finalform form noted just above…pitch bend and mod wheel work just fine

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Oops, getting a bit tired here sorry! :slight_smile:

Yep. Also iPads and phones can be used with certain apps…
takes about 15 minutes set up and have SFX6 capabilities.
spend a bit more time and you can get proper inside.


Thanks for the tip! Will definitely look into it.

If you’ve owned any of the newer boxes the arps lfo, amp, and filter toggles are basically just that. Do the steps of the arp retrig the following items? Think of it like this. You can can have an arp but it will fade out like a normal trig or you can have a filter sweep closing down on the arp. It basically disconnects the arp from the down line articulation blocks.

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Thank you! That makes sense. I´ve also got the A4 mk2, AR mk2 and OT mk2 but they don´t have those functions. I really like the performance tools provided in the analog machines but the more I understand the MnM and MD the more it seems like something fundamental has changed in the way Elektron designs their machines these days. A lot of that “modularity” and cool weird stuff is gone, the OT being an exception of course.


My feeling is that Elektron got really good at streamlining their UI and ironing out all the kinks that would confuse people, the stuff that would cause problems and become roadblocks. This is a good thing. However, there is some very interesting stuff to be found in those kinks and corners.

I think the next challenge for Elektron is to figure out how to make a big (digital) box with all the ease of use learnings retained but with a more open-ended architecture. A kind of streamlined Monomachine/OT hybrid with three (four?) stereo busses would be so interesting. Eight tracks that can be any of synthesis, thru, fx, sample playback, or live sampler.


The streamlining could be done in at least one of two ways. Either by making the machines entirely more approachable, simple and fun (and cheap) like the DT or by making them easy on the surface but with extended options under the hood like in MnM and MD. I really love the AR but there are weird limitations in it too, like for instance one (!!!) lfo per track and no control all function like in the DT, not to even get into internal audio routing, control machines etc, smh… For that price point these decisions are just beyond me.

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A4 mkii has it sort of. its on the note page but they’re locked Per trig.

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Yesterday I had the strangest experience with the Monomachine. I was restarting it and I think pressed a random track button and suddenly there was a picture of, I think it was, Mao on the startup screen and something like “blessed China”. It appeared for barely a second… :thinking:


What country are you living in? :joy:

I’ve seen that too! I initially thought it was the Dalai Lama but only saw it for an instant.

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Germany and no I wasn’t high…that day :smiley:

Try putting an exponential or saw one shot LFO on the volume with *64 speed. Might be something of interest.

I actually like the Clicks though

Ha. I never heard of that but I did once have Elvis appear on my Machine Drum on boot

Wow! So many awesome tips and trick on this channel.

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yo did you ever get this finished? that kiss track is incredible

There was a cool trick in one of the @Veets/Catabolic´s videos called “phase me bro” demonstrating a technique with two tracks that have indentical samples loaded and with altering the phase cool stuff begins to happen.

I decided to try something similar with the MNM by having SID machines on tracks 1 and 2 and having the FX machine on track 3 with the compressor selected.
The 1 and 2 tracks are sent to bus CD and the FX machine on track 3 is set to bus CD.

I´ve got indentical trigs in tracks 1 and 2 and I´m only hearing the right channel when everything is going only through the FX track.

I tried hard panning the 1 and 2 tracks to L and R and also having them both in center.
I also tried the multi trig so that the track 1 is also triggering track 2.
What am I possibly missing here?