Monomachine Love Thread

Hi! thank you! (: sent it out to an artist for a collaboration! so hopefully might be releasing sometime this year! i make music under ‘elevenpigs’ if you wanna check out more stuff I’ve done with the mnm <3 cheers


@Strutter That’s odd. Does it work when the compressor is removed? There was a funny glitch on the Machinedrum where Midi triggering a sound flipped the phase somehow (can’t remember the exact details but it was a bug). Maybe something is going on under the hood.

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Are you bussing the FX track back to A/B? Forgive me for suggesting this, but have you triple checked that you’re plugged in to the right output sockets? I’ve made that mistake more than once…

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It was a dumb mistake on my part, the bus input was set to neighbour and of course it only picked up the previous tracks signal, derp.

If the way you were able to flip the phase comes back to you, it would be cool to hear about it.

Your videos exploring all kinds of esoteric and innovative ideas have been by far the most exciting and thought provoking stuff I´ve seen on these two machines, so thank you for sharing the knowledge!

AFAIK there isn´t a way of flipping the phase on any of the MNM machines but even without it there are some very cool things to be discovered by using a pair of tracks with similar engines and by making slight changes to the sounds and by using LFOs to modulate the tracks in opposing ways but with the same rate.

Also modulating the panning with identical LFOs but with opposing depth values bring about cool stuff when the two tracks are then processed in a bus FX.

I´m constantly blown away by the depth of the MNM and since I bought it last summer, the journey has really just begun for me. :slight_smile:

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I usually start exploring weird stuff late at night when I´m already very tired and dumb mistakes often follow. :slight_smile:

After some further exploration of the bus routing structure its more straight forward than it initially seemed to me, although I´m sure this wasn´t the last time I will mess things up with the routings.

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V cool sounding stuff!!
I´m not an IG user but was able to play the clips anyways.
It would be cool to hear some insights on your workflow with the MNM since you clearly are a seasoned user.

I have a feeling there are many MNM users with a lot of the potential of this instrument still untouched and because the new units tend to grasp most of the attention in the general discussions these days, it would be cool to see more light shined upon the MNM.

ah that’s not me. that’s akeyamasou @akeyamasou • Instagram photos and videos

they’ve got loads of vids featuring the MnM, you should treat yourself and explore.

v true statement, and as mentioned in tributes to SOPHIE an instrument that is defined by an individuals approach.
akeyamasous comment on that post translates as “I made new discoveries and expanded the range of sound creation.”


Oh, okay. I will stay as far from IG as possible and instead try to inspire more discussion here for sharing tips and tricks.

Hopefully I can contribute to that too in the near future.

fair enough.
i think if you can stick on their page and enjoy their clips it’s possible to avoid the negative pull of social media.
hearing what others get create can inspire ideas to try out.

I suppose I could do that. Is the content there more tutorial or kickass patch oriented?
I mean I like what I heard but its not giving me too many ideas since I haven´t got a clue how its done.

I don’t think I ever found a way to flip the phase on the Monomachine. But like you mention, it is fun to make your own waves (one phase reversed) and upload them and make slight changes in the start points or detune and so on. Thanks very much for the kind words and there’s a lot of stuff to be explored on the Monomachine. Check out Dubathonic’s posts as he is a Jedi of the MNM.

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They post kickass patches frequently. They respond to comments as well, although I haven’t seen them fill in any technical details. I like listening to them all, though, as inspiration showing me that if I dig deeper on these machines they can do crazy stuff like nothing else. Then when I go dig I find my own sonic path.


I´ve decided not to create anotner IG account because I know soon I would be posting videos there and checking my phone constantly. Too distracting.

Inspiration-wise I can´t remember being this stoked about a synth before.

Been trying to create FM-drums lately with varying results. The FM engines work very differently from the FM synths I´ve used in the past, which is not a bad thing at all.
Just takes some time to grasp which works well in any given situation.

Have you got an example of where the patches are posted please ?

Oh I just meant posts their kickass jams, not the sysex if that’s what you were asking

Cool thank you. I do follow them already and I thought I’d missed some vital sysex :grinning:

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I bought your album on bandcamp it’s great

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reading this makes me super happy! thanks so much! (:

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