Monomachine Love Thread

Tinez lists, in the first minute of the video:

  • Jean-Michel Jarre
  • “An engineer who made his”
  • Someone involved in the creation of the Octatrack

Sounds like two Elektron insiders made Mk2 SFX-6s and JMJ got one too?

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only device i’d remotely consider for an sfx60 swap, but thanks for honesty and links to release.

Seems then, outside of contacting elektron, I need someone to open up an sfx6 and trace the joystick path to main board. I’m still not clear if the built in stick is 14bit resolution or just maps to the two cc over 128 values.

I assume you’ve already seen SFX-6 joystick replacement

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nope but there’s the part, thank you.

trying to use AGI proactively to brainstorm designs (and failing);


I’ve considered this trade as well, for an SFX60+, but second guessed it.

A clean TB may be tempting; but I hear TB’s that have been repaired can permanently change their sound.

Without any idea how to quickly program a classic TB bassline, a trade may not be a good idea.

Just happened upon this video and it’s just ridiculous… I can’t believe this is all from one device …


yeah, this guy (borrowed one):

my favorite part about the SFX6 joystick was you could warp the track into a crazy place, and then change tracks to make it hold that position. then you could warp the next track with the joystick, etc…

alternative approach: buy a miniKorg 700FS. the joystick works great with the SFX60 :+1:


Jesus, I would love to hear some tips n tricks from that user.

MnM seems like a narrower sweet spot of sound design, but what a sweet spot!

Such potential to learn from still.

Happens to me as well. Gets really glitchy if your arrangement is complex. Values jump all over the place when trying to change values.

ugh! any work arounds? I was thinking about taking it in to get serviced but im not sure that would change anything, might just be a bug

I mean the alternative is backing up safely, trying to reload from the backup to verify success, then wiping the MnM, testing the jump, and then reloading?

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all sound is essentially a sin wave, so my advice would be to open up a sin machine turn rel to 127 and use it in every way possible without a sequencer for a couple sessions to learn every parameter inside and out (except filter envelope). Then use with a arp no sequencer, in arp menu set to key then hold FUNC then press some trigs, release FUNC before keys, they’ll keep playing, You can add more notes too in the same fashion. Play around in that for a couple sessions. Then use learn the sequencer without parameters locks. I think parameters locks tend to confuse things when experimenting, I use them as little as possible and mostly as utility or in conjunction with slides. Then learn filter tracking, I never turn off unless except on thru/reverb/dynamix for mixing purposes or situations where you need to turn off hpf or lpf.


Welcome and thank you! Your love of the MnM is inspiring and refreshing :slight_smile:

Do you have a Bandcamp or some other site to follow beyond Youtube?

no, i don’t really use the internet much right now. i record live an hour or two a day though. I just throw sounds everywhere for a bit and some stuff turns into songs it’s kind of like meditation to me. Here’s a section from yesterday that’s kinda cohesive… two patterns with mostly out of time lfos, so that even though its 32 steps it always sounds different a bit and second part is what I’m talking about with using the synth with no sequencer, its just a digi with infinite release and playing around with LFO’s not the best example but my other stuff isn’t with me right now.


That’s healthiest considering gestures at the world, I prefer physical spaces though this is a nicer one so far as virtual goes.

Thank you for providing your approach and flow! It’s so easy to get lost in p-locking and details.

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so looks like the joystick attached to the main board with a 4 way seat connector (4 long black wires with white connector in pics from brutal reverb post).
anyone know the precise socket connector? looks like quite a deep pitch but most recent ones i see don’t have the 3 grooves…


been in touchosc land. great fun.

but the quest for joystick mod is real.
Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 22.39.44


Thank you all for the joystick ideas. I have an Analog keys. Surly I can make some magic happen with its joystick? I know have a fun weekend project.

Jesus olm I have to say you have made the monomachine sound unlike any other example I’ve heard. Bra-fucking-vO!!!

It sounds so clean and bright - is there any compression or Eq or just straight into the DAW?

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The default MIDI message assignments for the joystick on the Analog Keys match those for the Monomachine, so it should be very easy to get started.