Monomachine Love Thread

Maybe a Touché would be a good fit

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Awesome Peter! I was looking at the MnM manual last night but didn’t have the change to look in the AK one too - thanks for helping me out and I can’t wait to try it!

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It’s never ceases to amaze me how overengineered all these are. Why would I expect anything less than the AK to be plug and play with the MnM and unlock even more mayhem?

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It’s a very widely-used mapping for a joystick, although possibly not an actual requirement of the MIDI specification. Many, many devices are set up to use this mapping.

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Craziest shit I’ve heard for a year. Wonderful!

“How to generate 1.283 samples in 1 minute”

Thanks, I think I may look at the monomachine differently than most people. You can really make it sound however you like. I’ve been working on assets to show people the fundamentals of the mnm and a lot of discoveries i’ve never seen mentioned. I’ll share them here when I do.

To record lately I route the mnm into the tx-6 and record multitracks via iphone. There’s no eq or compression. Being able to see the outs clipping has really improved my sound. Everything on my youtube was recorded a year or two ago and recorded stereo without much thought.


I honestly have adhd and I just throw sonics at the monomachine an hour or two a day to help clear my brain. I’m not really interested in sharing the spectral assault but they get up to 3500 samples a minute when I’m in the zone, hahahaha.


Hadn’t touched the MM for months, I was starting to think about selling it.
But on Friday night I saw a friend playing on his during a live PA, and the sounds drove me nuts, I couldn’t stop dancing, one of the best IDM I’ve witnessed live. His DIY modular on top was also very impressive, I must say, analog filters can make this box shine ^^

My friend sent me the sysex and I had much fun discovering his tracks and tricks yesterday. With the help of the AH and Microcosm + Empress Reverb on different outs I got some beautiful textures as well.
What a synth, I am rediscovering how wild it can be, really one of a kind piece of kit.


has anyone got a picture of the underside of the mk2s main UI board?

made me realise (and based off some other members recent enquires) there could be a more concise resource on this forum for those making repairs for legacy products. lists of component part numbers, pictures of PCBs, repair vids etc.

Thing is they all do kind of exist here but scattered haphazardly with different labelling and takes ages to find. some kind of consolidated area would be useful.


More from Monomachine artist pig$

Fantastic stuff.


thank you matt! :grin: always so kind


I mostly find old threads when i query-

I can figure out something similar to CTRL-All with FaderFox pots/encoders I’m sure, but is there a way to quickly reload the original pattern [er, kit]?

Pattern? Or Kit?

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Kit, sorry.

No quick Kit reload to my knowledge, un fortunately…
MM is the only Elektron without quick reload :cry:

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found another Monomachinist on Youtube with some real killer patterns…

Maybe the person is a Naut?

dodo - YouTube


Best I have heard in a while!

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Could do with better audio recording.