Monomachine Love Thread

Aah! Thanks! Yeah. I completely glazed over track 6. i didn’t watch the whole thing. I now hear what you mean. but I did include it in the description. That just means you were pleasantly surprised at the end. Hahaha.

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thank you, I appreciate that!

First, your initial vid is mesmerizing. The sound you get from the MM really surprised me, I never got something this organic without additional fx.

By trying to reproduce the sounds with the second vid, I encountered some amazing sounds that definitely reactivated my love for MM.

So thank you :pray: a lot!


Thanks for this really!

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just wow! :heart_eyes:

You’re welcome! Glad to hear that, and looking forward to hearing what you create!

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I almost feel like starting my own thread for this. If anyone’s followed my posts on here, it seems like 90% of them are lamenting my lack of Monomachine after selling my last one prior to the Sophie/Ae/scarcity price inflation spiral.

Well today I finally have my old silver friend back. And amazingly (or probably due to the current financial climate), for a not completely insane price.

I am beyond pleased. Here’s my first few naff sketches getting reacquainted on my lunch break.


That’s great , like most people I really wish I had bought one when they were down to 799. Nice to see you found something within reason, I’ll still have my eyes open and hopefully one day I’ll be graced with luck as well. Sounds like a good first jam to get your feet wet!

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Ive been divig into the Interlace setting on the LFOs as i at first always found them To sound like shit. Turns out that slowing down the LFO and using another LFO to alter the interlace level really adds some crazy modulations…

Here’s a jam, also experimenting with the OP-Z jump step component to create abrupt jumps in the pattern, some cool glitchiness to be had.


Damn that is cool!
I’d never found a use for interlace before either. Just tried it too and it really does add some fun. This was a DDRW engine with a slow triangle filter sweep being interlaced, then interlace intensity modulated by LFO3. Bussed out to Ableton for extra spacey.


Yes Exactly… really cool stuff!

Using Interlace is great for doing looping envelope type sounds… set a lfo to amp VOL and the next to LFO 1 INTL and depending on which waveforms youre using you should get some nice wUUbs


Crazy stuff :slight_smile:

Ugh I wish I could get one of these so bad I love alll of this!!!

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Sick sounds

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not mine or posting for sale, just thought mild entertainment over the next 3 hours for 2023s latest valuation…


@waftlord. £1915

Also 2015 model (last batch maybe?)

Just a question into the round: Does anybody of you know how to change machines on the MnM via Midi/Sysex? Maybe even on the fly? Any SW resources that could be recommended to start working on that? Not sure, if this is even possible. Ideally I would like to control everything on the machine via Midi.

@PomPomOne The Manual actually has Sysex command info :slight_smile: not sure if there’s a change machine command though

Yeah, checked the manual and saw that. Not sure though, if a machine or kit change can be done on the fly. Besides I am a novice if it comes to sysex and how it interacts with the MnM. I am sure there are some sysex warlords hidden here in the forum. Just not to be too much off topic - some MnM love ofc :heart:

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you can have different kits on different patterns, and have pattern changes via midi or song mode.

I think that would kind of work for ya maybe?