Monomachine Love Thread

Yes, good idea.

This guy achieved my dream. Where do I sign up for his patreon.

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So i stumbled upon this really weird and kinda cool behavior in combination with midi CC.

Midi CC #6 which is stated in the manual as ā€œNRPN Parameter Valā€ is apparently the last encoder function you manipulated on the deviceā€¦

what this means is that if you have an LFO from another device affecting midi CC#6 on one of the tracks on the Monomachine whatever parameter you are manipulating on the device will be affected by that LFOā€¦ (not arp, transpose etc. though)


Hello, anyone else dealing with this issue? Sometimes my mnm craps out while trying to switch snapshots, appears to be happening more often in the last months, happens randomly sometimes. I have done all the resets but the factory reset. Reinstalled firmware but issue still persists.

I had this problem 3 months ago, I changed the battery, that fix the freeze :smiley:

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I changed the battery recently when the monomachine froze on start up. it fixed that but not this issue :cry:

Check the test mode about dsp and contact technical support elektron
I broke one dsp on an analog four, (constant freeze and noise at boot)
3 weeks to one month to repair


If you think of interlace as a time based square wave LFO between the original value and the current lfo position you can find lots of utility in it. Slow values on a Delay Send LFO where the original value is zero will chop your delay signal. Or applied to the speed of another lfo will give you a weird jitter effect. Or you can use it to arp DENS PCH2-4.

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