Monomachine second hand prices gone way up!

Cold and sterile ftw!

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Donā€™t talk my MnMā€˜s value down :sweat_smile:, it is a wonderful machine, but I agree the recent price development is crazy.

seek in this video, if you donā€™t find a sound you like, forget about the monomachine




that would be @Nils in the video. donā€™t think he still has oneā€¦ but I do know heā€™s a fan of the Digitone.


@chiasticon @pseen Iā€™m humbled that anyone still remember these videoes. The SFX-6 was a lovely machine. I sold it many years ago, for the same price as tiBā€¦ The Digitone sort of fills its place now.

I still have the sysex files if anyone wants them.


@Nils I still watch those from time to time, awesome patches. Would love to have a look at the sysexes.

PS: We met once a bunch of years ago at the Oslo synth meet at Notam, must have been when the Octatrack was new-ish.


I would also love to take a look at these files :slight_smile:

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Hey , I would love to have a look at the sysex. thanks :slight_smile:

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interested! :slight_smile:

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like the moths to the light ^^


Yes, pleeaseā€¦

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I canā€™t believe how much i miss my Mnm! Even tho Iā€™ve bought a keyboard version of OB-6 for the money, which is a beast of its own and i love it a lot, I still regret selling it :confused:

Thanks for all the interest :slight_smile: Iā€™ll try to dig up the syx files tonight. Chances are I donā€™t have all those patterns, and that some of them might be part of an ā€œALLā€ dump or two, but Iā€™ll see what I can find. I donā€™t have a Monomachine anymore so I wonā€™t be able to verify the files.


I felt the same when i got mine,. It definitely takes some time and effort to find the sweet spots but they are there and it is a wonderful machine. I suspect many (like myself) envisaged getting a MnM= instant Autechre, which it really isnt, and you need to work a fair bit to get the best out of it (as opposed to the DN, which sounds instantly great). Ended up selling it, but was purely out of financial necessity and not because it wasnt great. One of my biggest ever regrets.

Monomachine is a strange synth in 2022 - one of the best for sure, but I think its hard to see everything else it brought at the time of its release. Now weā€™re used to semi-modular boxes and other tiny contraptions that can do a hundred things, but at the time the competitors were the Virus and Nord, both great synths that didnā€™t sequence and stuck with a more traditional synth workflow. The MNM is still unique in that way, but if you can get most of the way there with a Digitone and a Microfreak or even a M:Cycles, why even bother?

Itā€™s a synth youā€™ve got to isolate yourself with. Block out a weekend on your calendar, get a room, nothingā€™s off limits. If the time is not fruitful, say goodbye and buy a nice laptop and a MIDI keyboard with the proceeds.


Iā€™ve uploaded two Monomachine ALL dumps from 2004 and 2009 respectively to the Files section. I donā€™t have the possibility to verify the contents, but I believe the 2009 dump contains many of the patterns heard in my youtube videos. One of the patterns were featured in the original Monomachine factory patterns I believe.

It would be splendid if anyone can get something useful out of this :slight_smile:


I have a very superficial design fetish and consider Mono and MD one of the two most attractive gears.


Iā€™m agree, they are just gorgeous, inside and outside!


Oh cool! We should meet up at the next Notam gathering :slight_smile:

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