Monomachine user waves 2020

Hello all,

This is my first post here! forgive me if this is noobish but I’m seeking a bit of advice on uploading waves to the Monomachine. I know there’s no catalina update for C6 and I’ve had great success with Sysex Librarian for uploading full syx files. However I noticed there’s no way to convert audio to be sent to the digi pro section of the machine. I’m wondering if anyone here has found a workaround or if I’m just missing some feature in sysex lib?


As far as I know C6 is the only program that does this. It is probably some Elektron only format. A while back I was doing a lot of user wave stuff and C6 was the only software.


Yeah I ended up just borrowing an older laptop. Funny enough I was actually doing this to try your “sampling” hack. Came across the old thread and trying out the sh101 waves


Cool, you are going to love it. So many possibilities. Make sure to keep us posted on what sounds you conjure up :slight_smile:


Audacity and sox apparently support convertting from wave to SDS.

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Right, SDS (MIDI Sample Dump Standard) is a standard format used by old samplers, it’s not Elektron specific.

Hi, I’m a Catalina user too, could you tell me which midi interface do you use?
I tried with a simple and cheap midi interface and monomachine remains in “waiting” mode, then I used a midihub device by blokas, the transfer starts but i receive only errors.
the singular thing is that the “sysex send” function works fine.

I set the “Transmit buffer size” from “Default” to 64

In sysex librarian try increasing the delay between packets

What other settings do you have? I have tried to convert files to sds/syx with Audacity - and send with Midi Librarian - Monomachine remains in “waiting” mode.

Using midihub as well to transfer