Moog Clusterflux - worth it?

Hi all, I have the opportunity to buy a Moog cluster flux 108M for A$1400. While this is a ridiculous amount of money, I am nonetheless tempted. By way of background, I have two MF104M and a MF102 and love them all very much, and have always wanted a nice chorus. I also recently bought a Moog Sirin for an equally inflated price and it has been truly awesome (= highly worth it), so that experience somewhat sways my thinking. Does anyone have experience with the 108M or thoughts or whether it brings much to the synth heavy studio?

I also have the recent Moogerfooger software so I’ll give that a run with my synths, although I prefer hardware.


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I mean if you got the money, then go for it.

I own the MF phaser. It’s like an instrument in its own right, and is not the same as the vst.

I was thinking of getting a Murf. But I have to slow down my spending.

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Sold mine after a couple weeks for what I paid for it back when they were in stock and way cheaper.
Basically it’s a half decent chorus/flanger. Mine was so noisy though that using the square or saw LFO the noise was louder than the effect. Moog tech blamed the PSU supplied in AU, but I also questioned rebiasing it, which they firmly warned me would fuck it up. And guess what, a new non switching PSU made no difference.
A bad copy? I don’t know. But in the end I got better mileage out of replacing it with the Strymon Deco, which is somewhat the same minus LFO wave shapes.


I refuse to pay an absurd price for anything—especially something as trivial as a chorus effect, and certainly not because it’s simply out-of-print—when there are countless, amazing, contemporary, readily-available alternatives…

The second-hand market bewilders me sometimes.

But that’s just me. :wink:



I had one of these years ago, I was really impressed by the build quality and really disappointed by the high level of noise. It was a great sounding pedal, but the noise made it almost unusable (this is in the USA). I didn’t use it much at the time, sold it pretty easily. And then 2 or 3 years later, the resale prices tripled. What do people see in these?

Moog, wood and plenty of knobs. Wait a minute! Maybe it is what they call a mini-Moog??

the Moogerfooger chorus reissue would be a great choice and it’s highly expandable in its lfo range when patched with bipolar voltages :balloon: