Moog dancers in the 70s

just came across this one. wondering how people reacted to this at the time, must have been…well…weird? a bit like listening to early Kraftwerk maybe? creative thinking at work nonetheless :smiley_cat:


Was wondering when this would pop up.

Information super high way. Love this part with three GLaDOSes and the Dalek introduction. The rest shows it was easier to get LSD back then and there was more money for arts, paid by those who never looked at the results, only at the numbers.

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That’s what s-

Never mind.


Not at all…i’m always up for it !

I really enjoy when a good topic like this springs up unexpectedly.

Cool but this really not the earliest dance to electronic sound. Take this 1966 work by Merce Cunningham, John Cage, Nam June Paik, Stan van der Beek, etc

Electronic sound and synthesis started around 1900, way before Moog.


Legend has it the dancers hated it and couldn’t make head or tails of it :smile:

Fascinating in the objective facts left behind on how LSD made its way into the counterculture. It’d be more fascinating if the rest of the facts weren’t shredded and burned, but what remains is absolutely insane.

This video is the best thing Ive seen on this forum in ages.


ha!, rarely do i sit through a whole yt video, this has brightened up the weekend, the moog sounds are bright and colourful like the t-shirts

Funny! The song for the 3rd performance sounds exactly like Air. I knew that they were inspired by 70’s stuff but now i’d say they’re just a ripoff band soundwise.

yeah…that definitely sounds exactly like when I mess around with a synth for ages and then turn it off without recording anything thinking “what the fuck am I even doing”. lol. this is a much more accurate synth ad than the modern stuff


:joy: I feel seen

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The only think those videos are missing is William Shatner.

Wow, Cypress Hill - Insane in the Brain at 00:37 @.@

It would be cool to compose new synth music over this choreography.

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