Moog Grandmother

1: No, there is not as far as I can tell. There is a midi cc for osc 2 pitch though
2: Yes, through kb out in the arp/seq section

Having owned both the GM and a 1st filter MS20 I kept the GM. Now I love the MS20 and I only had it for about 6 months so I know I did not get into everything but… I love the sound of the GM even more. I thought it could do the non-distorted sounds (flutey triangle waves) as well as/better than the MS20 and I liked the “fuzzier” overdrive through the mixer better than the harsher/metallic MS20 distortion, or at least it fit better with what I’m trying to do (and I’ve heard those MS20 sounds a lot on records throughout the years).

Plus, yes, the GM plays better with others. I can use it as a cv or midi control keyboard if needed. And midi in obv.

And most importantly it just sounds amazing imo so the MS20 had to go. MS20 was more money, too.

edit: ha ha I now realize I just replied to your DJ Python post as well!

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Hah, matriarch looks overwhelming to me despite some undeniably cool features. Grandma’s modesty is appealing!

Ah cool, and does using that jack decouple the sequencer from the oscillators? So you can sequence melody via midi while using the onboard arp just for modulation?

Thanks for the insight fellow Python fan, starting to think the GM will be right for me!

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No on both. KB out is just the cv out whether you’re using the arp/seq or playing individual notes by hand or external sequencer. And you need the keyboard to engage the arp/seq and that’s going to be what’s sent via midi out as far as I can tell. I hope I’ve explained that clearly.

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Ah, thanks! I was more thinking about sending it notes via midi from an external sequencer - would this also get sent out from the CV out jack?

Yes, whatever you send in is going to go out, although you can combine midi in info w/ the arp/seq, you just can’t separate them.

edited to take out bad info

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Too bad, was hoping for a sneaky extra modulation source! Thanks for the info.

Love to buy an £800 synth just to make phone noises. Seriously though the FM is really fun even though I’m not sure what is going on


Just think how much those phones really must have cost in the eighties…

Fellow elektronauts I need your help and advice…

I own a DT + DN and I’m looking for an analog synth to bring me juicy/analog sounding bass lines and leads in my electro/idm productions.

I’ve narrowed down my choice between A4 MK2 and Grandmother. I have the budget so can pick either of them. I’ve read both manuals, watched videos, comparisons etc. MIDI integration is important for me but both of them have it done well.

My mind is thinking the following:

  1. Get A4, I’ll get 4 mono synths in one + Poly + Many LFO’s and all-in elektron workflow. I’m pretty familiar with the sequencer already. But maybe I’m missing on this juicy moog sound, sounding retro and cinematique?
  2. Get Grandmother and I get great sounding mono semi-modular with patch options. Really like the sound tbh. However, only 1 FX. Not so flexible sequencer but I record in DAW and then arrange.
  3. If I plan to get both, which one first and why?

GM = Sound + Patch Points + Value for money in Moog world
A4Mk2 = Flexibility + All-In One Elektron workflow + Portable

Am I really missing on fat bass/leads with A4Mk2?
Anyone choosing between the two? Thanks

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chances are high that the gm is more what you‘re looking for. Instant gratification regarding juicy sounds.
On the A4 you have to work for it a bit.
can only speak for mk1 though

Regarding sequencer. you have two elektrons with midi sequencer for the gm


You need also decide If you can live without preset saving on the GM vs Preset saving for everything on A4.
Both can drive you crazy…
Alternative…Moog Subphatty has Preset saving, and still has that Juicy sound.


You’re right both can be tricky but I seem to prefer to start from scratch every time with mono bass and mono lead sounds, therefore GM lack of patch saving will do well. Also 1 knob per function is what I prefer to differentiate from DT + DN.

Patch saving would be useful when preparing for a live performance, which is not on the radar. In studio workflow I seem to record clips in live and commit to my choices for the current project.

Seems like GM pure analog tone + patching + MIDI implementation is a winner for me. Every YouTube video I watch proves the sound of GM is somehow unique and musical.

It seems I will get GM to pair with DT + DN + VST Synths. For live performances A4 seems more suitable.

Anyone compared Grandmother to VST synths such as Diva? GM sounds so organic from videos, hope it will cut through a mix easily.

i have both (well only mk1 of the a4) what i can say is:

the grandmother is much more hands on, you sculpt the sound as you play. but forget the sequencer, I never use it. the gm has a very cool sound. its nearly impossible to make it sound bad.

the a4 is nice for sequencing, sound is not as lively as the gm. you scroll a lot more in presets.

so it depends, how you enjoy to make music: if its hands on, then choose the gm, if its programming sequences and browsing through presets, get an a4.

i prefer the gm, because its more intuitive for me.

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Diva is a recreation of the Roland Juno 60 Sound, not comparable with GM. Different flavour.

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vst synths suck, I have quitted to use any of them, because the sound sterile and its not intuitive to sculpt a sound with them. and yes, i still have many on my harddrive, but they only collect dust.

The Moog softsynths on iOS sound great…but well nothing to grab and twist.

I gave up on softsynths too. Ordered a Matriarch recently. I am Sure it will Match nice with my A4.

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Some great people have already chimed in, but my two cents:

I’m a big Moog fan, and a big Elektron fan (with caveats for both). Both of the units (A4MkII and GM) sound great, in different ways, but I’d argue they have different use cases.

The A4MkII sounds phenomenal, but the workflow, UI, and sequencer lend it most to live hardware performance. If you were planning to get it for live performance use, then it’s a good call.

However, when I’m looking to just explore, to tinker, to play, I find that nothing beats reaching for my Moog instead (I have a Subsequent 37, but have played and loved the Grandmother, and almost certainly will be getting a Matriarch). It’s a combination of beautiful sound, excellent and immediate UI, and having a keybed. If you’re looking to record and multitrack, or if you’re a real keyboard player (I’m very much not), then the Moog is the right call for you.

Yes, you could certainly use the GM sequenced live, and you could certainly use the A4MkII in a noodling/tinkering/exploring way, but I think it’s somewhat going against the natural inclinations of the instrument.

Ultimately I can say that you have no bad decision here; either is a fantastic choice that sounds really beautiful. Best of luck!


Spot on question when comparing these! I’ve had my taste of patch saving and scrolling with DN, where I’ve saved some poly pads and more complex sounds. For mono leads/bass I want to have ‘hands-on’ control and delve deeper each time I start a project. I just need to bounce my audio in DAW and move on to the next part. It seems that GM indeed sounds “lively”.

I’m okay with some recreations of oldies such as TAL-101, Diva and Repro-1 but this is why I’m using VSTs to recreate something old and save a LOT of cash. DSP these days do wonders and U-he know what they are doing. That’s why I want to buy unique hardware that is made today.

Exactly what I was thinking, thanks! A4 would be ideal for live moving across banks, and patterns, editing live in a hardware live setup. I manage to tinker and create with DN + DT but I need something immediate for sound-design with that rich authentic analog voltage sound, so I think Grandmother will do well. It sounds very lively to me in videos, hope it’s even better in person.

Thanks everyone, I will be ordering a GM, always wanted a true moog that’s more than a Minitaur and is versatile. GM is a winner budget/ value wise. I will be sequencing it from DT with some MIDI CC and LFO’s send from DT to GM. See how that goes.


Diva is much more than juno 60 (and I believe it models the juno 106)
It also models minimoog, jupiter8, ms20 and has a sem filter. You can combine modules from these different synths how you like…

it‘s awesome. it was stupid that i sold it :see_no_evil:

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Try to use Diva in a decade…

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