Moog Subharmonicon

Yeah, that was a good explanation. I haven’t watched any other videos, but that was a clear description.

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Was wondering the same thing… Hopefully someone digs into that and does a video

PCA apparently is doing something live at 6pm PST.

This new version isn’t as aesthetically pleasing imo. It has a lot of mini squishy buttons that clutter the interface. I think Moogs philosophy wasnt strictly adhered to of keeping it simple. If i had to choose which one i would go for it would be the original. I know its not important to a lot of folk. But if an instrument looks good i want to play it. I’m not getting that feeling with this. Although the sounds i bet will be amazing.

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Workshop version has no quantizer, livestream says.

No quantizer means, no switch between equal temperament and just intonation… and the same problem people complain about regarding the O-CTRL

The guy kind of sounds like Todd Chavez from Bojack Horseman

Perfect Circuit has 10% off with their spring sale.

Posted by HoldMyBeer almost 24 hours ago

mmph, closest i’ve been in a while to a new gear purchase, and an impulse. (not quite though)
The mathematics of this really intrigue me.


Hooray! Quuuuuuesstion Mark?

My reaction when I first saw it

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It hadn’t occured to me, although you saying it now, and it’s obvious that the metric mathematics, is part of the appeal for me too. That thing in the Andrew Huang video, where Adam Neely takes a multi-part polyrhythmic beat and speeding it up to audio rate to reveal it’s a multi-part major chord. The correspondence of beat and rhythm, the auditory zoom on the SubH from its Rhythmicon roots through to its Trautonium roots.

There’s something very fundamental and historic to that, taking things back to origins. Just Intonation goes back to Pythagoras and Eratosthenes and Ptolemy. Polyrhythms goes back into prehistory.

Yeah, so the mathematics of this intrigues me too. Thank you.

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My wallet felt safe after watching PC’s video last night…Sonic State’s video this morning had me pre-ordering…

Just when I had just finished filling up my eurorack case, I still wanted a decent analog VCO but didn’t want to get another case, and was having a hard time figuring out what I could remove, so this works perfectly. I was never quite sold on the M32, but I love the harmonic abilities on this.


judging by the onslaught of demos, the sequencer excites me, the rest of the synth not so much. seems very limited with regards to tonal palette. is that’s really the case or just a lack of imagination from the youtubers? i can’t be certain atm.


One thing ive noticed is there isn’t much external Reverb/Shimmer FX being used on it yet in the demos. Usually thats where Moogs shine. Where’s Erika when you need her?

I really want this and a DFAM, but damn, $700 is a lot to pay for this. Hopefully Moog prices go back down to the $599 days. I once got a DFAM from Sweetwater for $499, but I’m worried those days are gone. :pensive:

I’ve noticed a few stealth price creeps on a number of things lately. Great for used prices, but not when you don’t have the item in question yet.

I appreciate inflation etc, but the jumps are usually in the $100 region, not gradual, or slight.

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Yeah these ain’t your average inflation raises. I’m afraid it likely has to do with disgruntal countries trying to stick it to one another by raising tariffs and generally making it more expensive to fulfill demand of parts. Saw it kick in before the pandemic, and for some companies a little over a year before. Sucks.

There are more than just PC that shows that…Badsnacks is also not great.
Mylarmelodies, Andrew Huang, Loopop already crams the best out of it whats possible.

This machine looks very much like a two-trick pony to me. Great for ambient sequences and weird polyrythmic techno and industrial lines. Similar imho can be done with Elektron gear and other synths like Polyend Medusa.
Or combine a sequencer like Make Noise 0-ctrl with a cv controllable synth like Behringer Neutron/Crave, or Vermona Perfourmer…similar results, imho.


Yeah, I remember the whole China import/export stuff going on a while ago, I guess this is the result of that :frowning:

100% my thing this beast !

just finally had a chance to look around… I don’t think £739 UK is bad at all for what you’re getting, I am a Moog junkie however. :sweat_smile:

looks like I’ve just snagged the last one in stock at GuitarGuitar - as my order went through ( delivery tomorrow ) & now it’s now changed to ‘pre order’ on their site as opposed to ‘in stock’. I’ve ordered from them before & they were decent, so here’s hoping I see it tomorrow . Exciting. :slight_smile:

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They’ve still got 20 in stock at Andertons for the same price. Plenty to go around.

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