Moog Subharmonicon

Yeah. Nice way of looking at it.

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Demos really can make or break a product. I think companies need to vet a video before its released. Especially from the major youtube uploaders.

Actually I like it better than DFAM)
Need to understand scales better

I kind of wish I jumped on a DFAM when it was $100 off or so at Sweetwater. Oh well, I’ve no doubt this thing will eventually go on discount. I’m sure right now there are enough Moog faithful busting out their credit cards, bitcoin, Paypal, etc. that there’s no incentive for stores to put it on sale right now.

I can see right now i am going to want to add to this a small block of Eurorack utility modules, for self patching with this. This is another infinity machine, once you start messing with things. I will need to think carefully about the other pieces i put around this.

One thing i can do right away though is hook this to a Hydrasynth keys. both the CV and the MIDI. The flexibility in the HSK’s mod-matrix will allow a lot of control back and forth between the two.

Regarding demos, I have never made a buy/not buy decision based on a company demo - at least not by itself.

I usually buy the thing a year after release, sometimes even longer. By then I would have had the time to research, check out manuals, hear the thing in action by other musos, etc. instead of relying on 1-3 sentence posts on forums. :wink:


I don’t think it does, there is a global tuning option accessible by a button combination.


Good to know, thank you. I’ll be reading the manual in more detail soon.

I think it’s because they tend to include VAT, while US prices do not include tax or other fees.

Nice observations on the improvements.

I have to say the VAT thing doesn’t always apply. If you are VAT exempt you don;t pay it. IE recording engineers don’t. So if you list yourself as a small business you can get out of paying VAT.

Mylars demo is really quite nice… Although he is also using 2x mother 32s and a DFAM with it. Which I suppose would be a great way to use this guy. It did sort of remind me that the Voltage Research Lab from Pittsburgh Electronics exists… which I suppose is in the price bracket of 2 and a half moog semi modular systems but would give you some more experimental options.

I do :sunglasses:

I like Mylar’s partly because he’s got a DFAM cross patched with it. This pair interests me.

Even he got downvotes - Youtube peeps be cray cray

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I really like the Andrew Huang video.

He skips through the stuff we probably already know, and was the most help so far to understand the stuff i was more unclear with. Plus i found the entire 15 minutes interesting.

In a surprise too, he also more or less votes that if you are picking only one of the Moog 3 – the M32, DFAM and SubH – he says take the SubH, and he explains why.

He also does a pop sort of song at the end, that the SubH inspired for him by accident while he was playing around with it. So it’s good to see how to use the SubH both in weird mode and in a more conventional one.


Not so many when you take into account the 500 or so they’ve given away to everyone on YouTube.


Sonic State

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Yes! I like how he dives into the ET vs. JI settings and takes the time to explain them.


I prefer the Dfam

I had a different interpretation of A.Huang’s statements. To me he’s just saying that SubH is the most inspirational, for the sheer number of ideas that he got from it already. He still says the other two Moog siblings are great synths.

I prefer both DFAM and SubH, which is easy to say because I don’t own either right now. :grin:

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I wonder how this will play with a Matriarch!

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