Moog Subharmonicon

Moogs telharmonic , nice.

ouch :yum:

it´s listet ad Musicstore in Germany for 849 EUR

at 6:08 soo nice!



But 2x dfam + M32 + SubH = just obscene :smile:


the european price is absolutely baffling, should be closer to 750 eur.

lots of tax I guess.

tax on US sites is added by state or something innit?

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I see only one output port at the rear? Does this mean its mono only?

all other moog prices over here (m32, dfam, grandmother, etc) are way closer to the american prices, though

Yes. People always neglect this when converting. The tax is not included in the listed price.


My Moog Sub 37 would beg to differ. Maybe they’ve stepped up their game since 2014 but I’ve never had a piece of gear fail so pitifully so many times (6 different issues, to the point I’ve given up sending it off for repair). Hopefully it has changed but the quality control on those original Sub 37’s was a joke.

yea! I was thinking to add SubH+DFAM to my M32/DFAM after that vid! But 850 is not even close to what I want to spend on a SubH.

SubH MIDI Operation

I was wondering earlier what all you could do with the MIDI IN ? Quite a lot. The data is from the manual.

Midi Clock – Highest priority supercedes other inputs
VCO_1 Freq – 14 bit CC message
VCO_1 Sub_1 – Divisor value to get Sub_1 frequency from Oscillator 1
VCO_1 Sub_2 – Divisor value to get Sub_2 frequency from Oscillator 1
VCO_2 Freq – 14 bit CC message
VCO_2 Sub_1 – Divisor value to get Sub_1 frequency from Oscillator 2
VCO_2 Sub_2 – Divisor value to get Sub_2 frequency from Oscillator 2
VCF (EG) ATTACK – 14 bit CC message
VCF (EG) DECAY – 14 bit CC message
VCA (EG) ATTACK – 14 bit CC message
VCA (EG) DECAY – 14 bit CC message
RHYTHM GENERATOR (OR/XOR) – Governs how Rhythm Generator advances, Replaces manual switches on SubH-OG, CC Message
PLAY – MIDI Transport ON and OFF (through SysEx)

Now i’m wondering if you can take some of these MIDI connections and through the patch panel use them in other ways ? I think so, but still digging on this.


Been mulling over getting a mother 32 to go with my DFAM and now I want all 3…

I don’t know if it’s too early to tell, but based on the new demos I am not sure this is what I thought it was going to be? So far nothing has really impressed me in terms of raw power/sound. Looks like the M32 might be a better fit on top of DFAMs than the SubH oddly enough. That or we just need to wait for people to figure out how to get some juice out of these. Currently it’s a lot of bleeps and bloops?

Hmm… does anyone know if those timing knobs are always quantized on its sequencer? After hearing stuff sequenced by the 0ctrl this is sounding oddly rigid to me considering its feature set I was expecting something a little more fluid out of the demos.

My GAS is not firing. Good for account balance!


Interesting that the two VCOs can receive their own CC messages

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Official site is live with downloadable manual and stuff


I guess you mean the four knobs labelled “Rhythm 1” to “Rhythm 4” in the PolyRhythm section ?

If so the simple answer is NO they can’t be dequantized, they are simple integer dividers on the tempo. But really by bumping the tempo up and going with integral dividers that don’t have common divisors, and changing what affects what with the two sequencers it will make polyrhythmic beats that will sound dequantized. And once you start mucking with things in the patch panel, it can be all dequantized.

Funny, yesterday Jellyfish asked if there was a way to quantize the sequencers.