Moog Subharmonicon

I’m getting obsessed with the idea of slow chord changes that have unique permutations with the clock dividers -> different chords and voicings derived from predictable roots.


With an improvised (sax ?) part over top. I like your idea !

It’s like you K N O W me!

It gets here Friday!

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Mine seems to be taking the slow boat. Not sure what they’re doing. First world problem. (I can wait, i got plenty of stuff to amuse myself with !)

I ordered from Sweetwater yesterday (Tuesday) morning. Shipping notification says Friday. I mean… it could be Saturday. Thankfully, it’s raining for the next week here in Austin, so prime new-synth weather!

I was really surprised to see my shipping notification from SW for delivery tomorrow. And same, rainy in the midwest should make for some good woodshed time.

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My preorder just jumped from June 5th to this Friday. Woohoo!! Really looking forward to exploring the interplay with my eurorack rig.

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Mine got here today, ordered yesterday. Can’t wait to play with it and have zero idea what I’m doing.

Instructions for using the SubH:

  1. Plug it in.
  2. Turn up the volume.
  3. Turn a knob or push a button.
  4. If you don’t like what you hear pick a new knob or button, go to 3.
  5. If you do like what you hear, go to 2.
  6. Repeat until you are hungry or sleepy.

Genuinely good advice. Tone: sincere.


Me: Watched a few SHM youtube videos. General verdict: yeah, cool, sort of interesting.
Worthy mention: The Amon Tobin jam.
Level of GAS: minimal to zero.


Had it in my cart (in stock) while watching youtube vids thinking I didnt want it… 2hrs later when I decided I wanted it, Poof… out of stock.
Anyone know of any US retailers that have them? Vintage king said 7 weeks for next batch

looks fun… i want one :smiley:

I have no idea what I’m doing on it. Need to watch some vids for sure.

Andrew Huang did FM. Great for Industrial.

this isn’t going to do a lot of things…but it is offering a pretty unique set of features in a compact package. Thats the way I’m looking at it. Mine will be sat next to 180HP of eurorack - 60HP of that is a Mother 32 - plus there’s a Grandmother on hand too… So I’m expecting plenty of flexibility …my SubH is arriving this afternoon :slight_smile:


yes, looks really unique and interesting. While a lot companies go for standard monosynths only, Moog has some really innovative units with DFAM and subharmonicon.

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Yeah looks like a sweet spot kind of thing (nothing wrong with that) but the patch panel adds plenty of options for going “off piste”

I still have my Werkstatt which I think was the seed for the M32 and subsequent moogfest designs, it is a simple little thing, but sounds really nice and the patch panel allows some decent amount of options.

Anyway, I find these kind of things more interesting than what Behringer is doing, but they will probably end up copying, because coming up with original ideas isn’t something they seem willing to do.


I remember how 3 years ago I first saw the Rhythmicon in action at a demonstration at the Moscow Conservatory P.I.Tchaikovsky. It was unforgettable! I’m glad to see that these guys from Moog were able to implement the concept from Rhythmicon.