Moog Subharmonicon

FWIW -- Perfect Circuit messed up my SubH order too.

Well i placed my order with them right after midnight on Tuesday morning – the charge went through and i got an order confirmation email saying In Stock Available immediately!

OK cut to the chase here, they returned my money again sometime later Tuesday – they didn’t communicate this to me, they just did a credit card charge back and moved my order to ON-HOLD.

I emailed them on Wednesday when i discovered this, checking my order at their web-site, and wondered what ON-HOLD meant. They did not respond. So i emailed them again Friday morning. Still no response 24 nours later, so i canceled my order today.

They have my e-mail address correct, i get a robot reponse every time i email them. Plus they’ve sent me an ad blurb. But i’ve heard nothing else.

I realize that Covid-19 is probably messing with there ability to do business. Or they’ve had some sort of technical failure. I don’t know.

And they haven’t even responded to my cancelling the order !?

I hope they’re OK. But i’m ordering elsewhere.

Too bad – Perfect Circuit looks like a very good place to get Eurorack gear. I wanted to give them a try.

I did!

This is only my experience – YMMV.
Perhaps it’s just me and i’ve been jinxed somehow.

So i’m ordering a SubH somewhere else.

UPDATE ADDED: Friday May 22nd:

I want to follow up with this.

Today i got my first response from Perfect Circuit, 9 days after i first contacted them, and 10 days after my order. Their message gave no explanation on how my order got screwed up going from an active shippable order to on hold waiting. They said that their communication with everyone has been delayed due to the effects of the pandemic. At least they have acknowledged finally that i have canceled my order – almost a week later – though no change has been made to the status of the order online. The email to me was mainly pro forma with a sales pitch added to get me to continue the order.

With their communication with everyone so delayed – nine days for me – makes it near impossible for them to do business. A single broadcast email, saying “We’re behind schedule due to the pandemic, but we’ll get back to you as soon as we can,” would have been helpful. Hopefully they can recover from this, a real challenge with their store closed and them struggling to execute on-line orders.

I have some doapy iPhone videos of dabbles I’ve sent to friends. Would that interest people? Just me exploring. Not the best sound quality - iPhone mic.

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I ll wait for a proper one :wink:

I feel like I set up proper expectations :wink:

I’m not a video making inter web person…

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I don 't care about video. Audio is just fine!

I get the frustration. Perfect Circuit has been really great for me several times. this is the first I’ve done a purchase for something not in stock. they did indeed take a couple days to email me back about it when I inquired, and they apologized for everything and timing. I cut 'em some slack on it (and I still don’t have the item, btw) but it’s definitely something I’ll consider in the future when ordering there. with you…guessing it went out of stock quicker than their system could keep up with…?

It’s really fun to play with the monostation if anyone has both. I sold my DFAM a while ago and the monostation has been a great, much cheaper drum machine with motion recording. Highly recommended for the discounted price they’re going for now!

Mine arrived a few hours ago. Enjoying it so far. Can get messy quite quickly with the tuning of 6 oscillators all at once haha.

Plenty of happy accidental harmonies so far.

The card overlays have the screw holes cut in the wrong place on mine, not a huge deal, but curious if anyone else has the same?

alright the impulse has worn off for me…

I think I care too much about tiny detail in harmony, and wouldn’t vibe with the spontaneous nature of this. Like, totally down for wild subharmonic-centered harmonies, but I think I’d find myself wishing I could p-lock everything. Wouldn’t be satisfied with just controlling the broad shapes of a pattern (across an insane complex range, to be fair), and having less arbitrary control of individual notes.


you about it? :смеющийся:

Same as mine, yours look a little closer :slight_smile:

Day 2 and I’m in love with this thing. It spits out complex harmonies I’d never dream of trying.

The VCO and sub VCO outputs on the patchbay are pre envelope and pre filter, and don’t remove the signal from the main out, so you can route these out to other gear such as eurorack modules, and still have it also playing from the main out with the envelope and filter.

This means as well as sending the signals through other filters, and effects like having different effects on each VCO and sub VCO, you can also send them to frequency dividers/multipliers to get even more harmonies…so technically you get 4 VCOs, and 8 sub VCOs…crazy!!


My SubH arrived yesterday and i recorded a little bit.
I hope it´s ok to post a snippet here?

This one is just OSC 1 with 2 Sub OSC´s and OSC 2 patched to the cutoff.
SubH then goes into OT for some delay and reverb.

Anyway i´m really interested to hear what other Subharmoniconists getting out of this beast :smile:

PS: The audio is only 2:37, the player shows a longer duration because of the vbr mp3.


upvote for subharmoniconists. sounds like some victorian experimental sect colluding in a dingy amphitheatre.


I am all in for some Greek drama, life in full motion. :performing_arts:


I was wondering: is the SH-sequencer easy to mimic, for example in Live or with an Elektron sequencer? Or do we have to wait until someone with more knowledge and skills than me makes a Max-device or something? :sunglasses:

Of course you can manually enter midi clips that mimic it, but something automated with parameters to set like the SH is not available in standard Live or Elektron devices.

I have a pal who was telling about how he s making something SH inspired for Zoia.

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I would happily pay 10 euros or so to have something like that in Live or even iOS (while I save up for the real deal)