Moog Subharmonicon

I sequence it from MPC One, it starts and stops (transport), when sync button is enabled - i didnt care to change the midi channel, as i dont send midi notes to it- i use the internal sequencer.

Thanks - I’m using the Digitakt to trigger it, but I’d like to be able to use my keystep to be able to transpose the sequences on the fly - I didn’t think this was possible but I saw someone doing this in a YouTube video a while back and was just wondering how. Thanks!

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I transpose via CV signal to VCO , that can be done with MPC One. Keystep has CV also - i think from peeking in its manual shortly.

If you send midi notes while the sequencer is running the Subharmonicon will transpose. Default channel 1.

When I press a key while the sequencer is running, it just plays the one note of whatever key I’m pressing, is there a way to transpose the whole sequence? I may not be phrasing this correctly

That works. I do that with Analog Keys CV out and the whole sequence of Subharmonicon is transposed. I think the video you are referring to is the one from loopop, there he explains that very well.

Ok cool - so would I do CV gate out of my key step into VCO 1? Do I need a Y Cable to go into both VCOs? I’ll dive back into Loopop’s videos and see if I can find them

this one :okej:

Just got a subH and threw it in a case with Magneto and FXAid. Love the distortion when you crank all the oscillators. Example attached.


Just listening to some of your work while lurking in the Subharmonicon topic, lovely! thinking about picking one up as well, not the cheapest critter, but nice, jeez. Good work!

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Thanks, really nice of you! I’m still in love with the SubH, it’s been the synth I’ve been most productive on in the last four months or so. Really thought I wouldn’t end up using it so much but there’s something there that just keeps pulling me in. Coming up with SubH patterns and layering them in the Octatrack is just so much fun and I think it’s a lot more versatile than it might first appear to be.


Sounds great, seems like a great partner for the Octatrack as well. My wallet is crying but it has to happen at some point :slight_smile: love the sound. Seems great for hypnotic melodic droney stuff as comes trough in your tunes. Keep 'm coming!

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Definitely! I wrote a bunch of 11 songs late last year (Oct-Dec) and six of them started with the Subharmonicon. For me that’s proof of how inspiring that thing is. Hoping to release those on an album later this year.

I’m sure you’ll find a place for it in your setup and music. Will be cool to see how you’ll integrate it in your music!


Sounds good, looking forward to your work!

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Have missed my one dearly. Went back and listened to some stuff I’d done with it and that didn’t help. What was I thinking?!

Now have another on the way :grinning:

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I wonder if any Subharmonicon owners with an MPC One could verify something for me.

I was hoping to sync the SubH to the MPC and record to an audio track, but I’m experiencing persistent sync problems.

Here’s a test setup: Connect the MPC to the SubH MIDI in. Just bring up oscillator one on the SubH, and connect the first clock divider to seq 1. Set the divider to a regular rhythm at 12 o’clock, and put all the seq 1 steps fully CCW. Use a short envelope so that when the SubH is playing, you should get a steady beep that’s triggering on every downbeat.

Finally, bring the SubH signal into the MPC and add a synced delay so the echoes are synced with the pattern.

What I’m finding is that when I hit play on the MPC, the second step on the SubH is coming in early around 75% of the time - the delay makes this very easy to spot, and the time difference is often a whole beat. It only happens on the first bar - subsequent bars stay in time, but are thrown off the grid by the initial hiccup.

Occasionally the timing will be correct, but usually it’s off. Resetting the pattern location on the SubH makes no difference.

I’ve hooked the SubH up to an Analog Four and Octatrack since, and both those are consistently tight. The Polyend Tracker was a bit glitchy, but not to the same degree as the MPC. But if I have the MPC clocking the Analog Four, it’s absolutely fine.

So it’s hard to track down a single culprit - it seems to be confined to the MPC / SubH combo, as both behave as expected with other gear.

One interesting case is having the MPC clock control the A4, and sending a MIDI thru signal from the A4 to the SubH. In this case, the A4 is consistently in time, but the SubH has the same timing issue as above - so the A4 and SubH end up off-kilter most of the time. If I change the A4 port setup so that it’s sending its own internal clock to the SubH, the sync works.

At first this seems to suggest the SubH is the problem - but at the same time, it confirms that the SubH is fine when clocked by the A4. And the A4 is fine clocked by the MPC… it’s like one of those puzzles where you have to get a fox, and chicken and a sack of grain across a river.

Anyway, apologies for the long post. If someone is able to just hook up an MPC One and a SubH to see if they have the same problem, that’d be a great help as it will at least mean I’m not hallucinating or dealing with some kind of faulty unit. Thanks!

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I have also a question.
Does anybody know if SH has the same VCO’s and filter as the mother 32?
or do they sound different?

the bass disappears as soon as res is upped, so i guess it’s typical ladder filter.
The Osc are probably the same, but you can modulate pulse width with the sub osc’s, this adds a new character I’ve not heard from Moog before. But I guess the ‘core’ Osc are the same.


thanks. I really loved the sound of the m32, so I wonder if the SH has the same sound core. Guess the three semimodulars have similar components

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So how are you guys liking the SubH after about a year?
Are you still happy with it? Are you bored by it’s somehow limited sound palette?