Moog Subharmonicon

Loving DBA Rooms and Echo Dreams 2 at the moment! Mercury 7 was lovely too. As was Timefactor and Space

This is lovely. Sort of reminds me of Tangerine Dream’s “Risky Business” soundtrack.

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Thank you! I wasn’t going for that TD vibe intentionally but now that you mentioned it, I can certainly see/hear that. The jam was just another example of plugging the Subharmonicon into the Octatrack (this was through the Oto Bam I believe), finding the intervals I liked for OSC 1 and 2 and start turning knobs. It’s such an intuitive and inspiring synth!

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Awesome :slight_smile: I just ordered one today so I’ve been reading through this thread. I have an Octatrack as well which I’m eager to pair with the Subharmonicon. I figured I’d record some extended Subharmonicon jams into my daw and then find all the best parts to load into the Octatrack. I’ve been going down a pretty abstract ambient road for a while, but I’ve actually been wanting to write proper songs (experimental pop) using the Subharmonicon. It seems like it can be used a few different ways, as long as your open to letting it guide you?

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This is my method with most synths basically but even more so with the Subharmonicon. I think it’s very well suited for both ambient and somewhat pop-ish stuff, so you’ll probably get good mileage out of the SubH. Sure it has its limitations but with the help of the OT and a DAW one can pretty much write entire tracks with just the SubH. Have fun!

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Thanks! I’ve already heard enough examples (from you and a few others) to know that it’ll satisfy my needs sonically. I guess I’ll have to wait and see if I gel with its workflow/design. When it comes to my personal music making process, I’m definitely into experimenting more than having a particular intention, so it seems likely that I’ll get something from the experience… I’m pretty excited for my Subharmonicon to arrive!

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I’ve had some wild results using the OT MIDI arp with the Subharmonicon.


Ooh, does the Subharmonicon’s sequencer play in conjunction with the Octatrack’s Arp?

Yeah man. Super easy

great to see this thread filled with enthusiasm for the SubH, i have been somewhat obsessed with it over the past year, so much so that I have built a modular sidecar for its 6 oscillators, it is truly beautiful in stereo!


I really shouldn’t be asking (trying to avoid getting GASsy ideas) but what are you primarily doing with the eurorack to assist or expand the Subharmonicon?

I guess my main aim was to modulate each individual voice separately and be able to spread them across the stereo field with the ability to filter and add fx’s individually to each voice (the ocillators sound fab with a bit of waveshaping) I was really taken by the sound of the subH through the Triple Vactoral Resonator, so I decided that i would make 2 for stereo and it kinda snowballed from there!

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Sounds really cool! Any recordings with this setup?

In a shock development, I actually recorded something. I was determined to not let the day go by without having created something, and after several hours of fiddling around with bits of gear to no great effect, I decided to recalibrate and refocus on the Subharmonicon, which is really where I should have started in the first place. The key to getting this one settled was keeping the resonance low to let the oscillators take root. I probably should have turned it all the way down, but sometimes you can feel the fussiness starting to gather and it’s best to just start recording.

One of my favourite things to do with the SubH is decouple the oscillators from the sequencer for a while, and as a result I do it several times here. And chances are high I’ll do it again next time.


Oh god the idea of this has put me over the edge.

I didnt know what the SH does and now that i see what it does, i cant unsee it! Having an instrument that makes polyrhythms naturally seems too exciting.

We shall see what kind of deal i can find!

Users of the SubH:

If youve had it for awhile, do you still use it as much as you thought you would?

Im quite sure for my music it will not be too limited but to be sure i ask here. Does its reputed “limitations “ make it so you use it less?


EDIT: still want the conversation but, although i read alot of this thread up to 300 ish posts, i didnt see til now @jottwehh JUST asked essentially this question:).

how’s the dfam/m32/subharmonicon combo?

i was interested in the subharmonicon so I browsed the local ads, and found a combo for quite cheap at 1200 (including the rack)


Barker is decent. I’ve been using his workflow on the OT for a bit now, it’s pretty amazing

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I wonder how it would sound using another sequencer like the toraiz squid l really like the amount of features.

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I’m no cv or eurorack expert but the two cv outs and two gate outs might indeed open up the Subharmonicon a little bit. What I’m not sure about is what you could do to expand the SubH sequencer without sacrificing what’s so cool about the synth in the first place?

Like, would you be able to overcome the 4-step limitation but only that by controlling VCO 1 and VCO 2 by cv?

For starters, I’ve already used the SubH a lot more than I thought I would. Like I’ve said somewhere in this thread, I’ve started more tracks with the SubH than with any other synth in the two years I’ve been into hardware synths. Indeed, I’ve also finished some of those tracks. :grinning:

That being said, the SubH has taken a bit of a backseat since I got the Vermona Perfourmer because I use it for similar arp-like sounds as the SubH. It’s obviously not the same instrument and even in the past month I’ve reminded myself several times how much fun the SubH is, so after this honeymoon period with the P4mer I’m sure the SubH will be more front and center again in my jams/tracks.