Moog Subharmonicon

Depends on the setup of the device you’re sending it to, and the nature of the clock you’re sending. I think the SubH sends clock as one pulse per step (because you can use it to advance the DFAM), so you can route that as you see fit on the target device - it doesn’t have to be a clock, it can trigger anything that needs a gate.

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Ok sent the ol subH back! Didnt bond. I also became relatively happy with polyrhythms on the OT arp. In case anyone cares haha.

I just ordered one…I think.
I clicked the Thomman bank transfer button and to my surprise it produced an invoice as if I’d already given them my bank details…got an email to say they would be in touch, presumably because it’s ‘4-5 days’ before they have it in stock.

Either way I decided to start with the SubH rather than the sparkly package.
I’ll no doubt grab a DFAM or Mother 32 if I bond with this one…


Just purchased the sh any recommendations on what reverb and delay works best l prefer to get a pedal with the combo.

So far I’ve put it through an old Boss PS-2, the RE-20, Clouds, the Analog Four, various MPC One FX and the built-in reverb on my mixer, and they all sounded good. I think with the SubH the synth and sequencing provides the interest and detail, so it doesn’t particularly need a reverb or delay with a lot of character or motion - just something to help bring out the textures a bit more. If there’s a pedal you’ve been thinking of for a while, I expect it’ll work nicely with the SubH, but I don’t think it demands an Empress or anything like that.


I generally use my A4 mk1, which I I think works really well – I like that I can use perf macros that combine CV modulations and changes to the FX params on the A4, and I use LFOs to make FX swells that work with the SubH’s rhythms. I’ve also used a Poly FX Beebo, which has a convolution reveb that is pretty interesting (models of old reverb units and real-world spaces) and different delay types. For a combo reverb and delay in one pedal, the Beebo works really well, although with a pretty smal ltouchscreen it lacks a lot of easy hands-on control on the unit unless you use a MIDI controller. You might like to look at the Audiothingies Doctor A or the Source Audio Collider, both of those look pretty cool, although I haven’t tried either.


Seconded! A simple delay that allows you to get some interesting rhythmic pattern going and a touch of reverb, I don’t think it needs more than that. Then again, I tend to like my delays and reverbs simple in general. I’ve been playing it through everything I have basically: Oto Bam, Midiverb II and Quadraverb for reverb and Oto Bim for delay. The first six months I had the SubH I was mostly playing it just with the Octatrack and using the OT fx.


You’ve reminded me that I haven’t tried the Quadraverb yet! Looking forward to that now.


I’m actually leaning towards source audio collider after watching a video of sh and collider together. I like it for the ease of use with no menu diving and with delay and reverb combo it takes up less space.


Here is a question to SH owners - does it have a wide sound pallet.? I’m worrying that the sound of it might get a bit repetitive if you use intensively for long periods of time… like in terms of sound design how wild can you go with it?

If you don’t use the Patchbay, it might be repetitive but as soon as you use other sources of modulation, it will expand its Palette.

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As Tchu says, the patchbay is the key because without it you don’t have certain basic synth features like an LFO. Even self-patching can open up options like FM, and once you pair it with anything modular or semi-modular, you can go as wild as you like. But I would also say that the scope of the sound palette isn’t that important with the SubH - its value lies in the sequencer and performance features. It’s not a bread & butter lead / bass / FX jack-of-all-trades mono like the Mother - it’s an instrument that explores a few specific ideas very effectively. The patchbay is very nice to have, but I’m nowhere near needing to use it to keep me interested. This is largely because the SubH responds so well to tweaking and fiddling - I could modulate or automate various controls with external gear, but I really want to do it myself.

I guess it’s a bit like a 303 in some ways (another LFO-free synth) - it trades breadth for depth, but gets a very good conversion rate along the way. It’s certainly specced out for expansion if you need it, though.


Just an admission for what it’s worth.

My Subharmonicon hasn’t even arrived yet and my not so subconscious mind is already scheming for which Moog semi-modular to pair with it…and then follows the thought (right on cue @7schlaf)…perhaps I should cut to the chase and order a 3 tier stand for I wonder what?..

My confession is complete…may I be purified.

Well I bought the M32 and the DFAM secondhand together with a 3 tier case and whatdyaknow? they released the SubH a year or 2 later, it was all too easy to complete the trinity! I have loved the SubH and it really does complement the other two but I would just wait for the Subharmonicon to arrive and see how you get on with it, it doesn’t click with everyone

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It’s a good idea to see how you get on with the SubH first, but assuming you love it… I’d say the DFAM is closer in spirit to the SubH - everything is up front and it’s all about how well it responds to tweaks and improvised decisions. The Mother is a little fussier - the sequencer is a poster child for cheat sheets and there are a couple of features that don’t strike me as being very Moog-like (for example, the shift functions for swing and ratchets). In some ways the SubH is like a lesson learned there - it could easily have a whole load of hidden functions, but everything is at your fingertips and perfectly clear.

The Mother does sound good, the sequencer is definitely capable, and the patchbay has some useful basics like attenuation and mults… but for me the DFAM is the better fit as a WYSIWYG partner in crime.


Just got mine (along with DFAM) - just got it all setup and had fun first jam :slight_smile: bit rough but vid below

I was sceptical but feel like there’s gonna be a lot to explore here

scared to change the settings! Lol

the filter is rad


You seem like an excellent fit for the subH. Nice work.

It is a little scary to change the settings eh! Ultimately it’s probably an awesome attribute to not be able to save….but scary.

The filter is nice and i liked your use of it.

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do you guys get like, tiny scratchy clicks and noise on the pots? pretty any knob i touch seems to do it - its very very tiny - but it comes up in recordings, particularly using reverb and delay… is it just a normal moog thing?

i have a few things in the chain. wondering if i need some kindve power iso thing or should i seperate pedal power from synth power. bit of a new terrain for me. hard to know what it is

Hmm, I don’t think so. Can you post an audio example of the clicks so we can check if we have anything similar? If it’s barely audible it might be something I’ve missed.

I’ll keep playing for now and see if I can mitigate it. Maybe my levels are just too crazy. but damn, this thing, the sound of it makes me near damn well cry. the eg hold mode for drones is mint

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