Moog Subharmonicon

occasionally they pop up on eBay and other sales avenues. pricey though. like $3k I believe. these are ones built by users at Moogfest too, so no idea if built and calibrated correctly, etc.

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Who is leting this greedy people to this workshops? Going to the Moogfest, making synth, than selling it for 3000 ? Yup, its not greed.

You can also recreate the Subh’s basic subdivision functions using a DFAM and Maths. There’s a video on YouTube.


Thanks for spotting that Versipellis. And it’s Loopop that did it:

Maybe there are other videos too?

Earlier Loopop did a video on the Subharmonicon by itself.

So what’s weird about this??? I dont get it.

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Leak via Reddit from a Sweetwater email:


I very much hope so!

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midi in as well :hotsprings:

instabuy :money_with_wings:


Oh my! If this is real I’m so happy!

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OMG :checkered_flag:

Anybody wanna buy a dog?


I guess it’s true.
With the update of the mother in combination I guess it sounds legit.

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Its got a lovely tone. Would you get a mother 32 or this if you had neither?

Oh, I read it and … forgot it again. Need to fix that update.

I would get a mother first (or perhaps a crave…) because atm I only have one mono synth (gen-r8). But I prepare to buy all three (mother, dfam, sub). But first I need to sell something.

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It really depends on you. The DFAM and Sub are very specific units. The Mother is more “bread butter” (but not so BnB as its extremely versatile).


The Subharmincom has a tone similar but deeper obviously. So its not as versatile with say a reverb and delay like the mother 32? This question is similar to the Volca Bass or keys debates funnily enough.

If you compare the two - the functions and patch bay - you can see that the Sub is specific to a unique approach to harmonics. Whereas the Mothers approach is a more standard affair ie LFO, mixer, octave keyboard/sequencer ect. I think the tones are similar in that they’re both Moogs.

Sidenote: it’s too bad they didn’t include the mini MIDI on the DFAM. Probably didn’t think to at the time.


If its another limited run they’ve probably already sold out.

I hope this is real.

Between this and Mother 32, I’m more attracted to this one.

It’s like the Lyra-8 in that the synth and sequencer (only 4 steps, but does some unique stuff) are abnormal enough that people who want to make “normal” music with it are going to be frustrated, whereas those who love to play with weird electronics are going to enjoy it so much more.

One obvious difference is the polyrhythms and evolving patterns that the Subharmonicon sequencer is designed for. As capable as the M32 is, only having one oscillator imposes an obvious cap on how much it can be made to emulate the Subharmonicon’s sequencer tricks.

Not dissing the M32 at all. I have a couple of friends who have M32s. One of them is into oddball stuff like me - noise, ambient, drone, etc. but he admitted that his love of Berlin school sequenced synth music drove him to get it, because he didn’t have any gear for that Berlin school flavor.