Moog Subharmonicon

Well, I thought I was don ebuying shit for a while. I thought they werent going to make this one? I thought it was just a experiment or something?

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Dunno. For all I know it’s a cruel joke by Sweetwater

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How much £500?

I don’t know any more than you. See Reddit link


I’m just wondering if this is going to be more than the mother 32 and it looks more developed. Wouldn’t be surprised to see it around £750(if its true of course).

Amon Tobin made this only 5 months ago


I wonder too but I don’t know any more than you and I don’t like to make things up

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There’s rarely any surprises though when it comes to costing.Its usually on the steep side :slight_smile:

Well if it’s for real i expect Loopop will get another bite at the apple with another video.

As i wrote over on the Superbooth 2020 thread, responding to @cold_fashioned report of Andrew Huang teasing a new Moog synth, that this is the traditional time of year – Moogfest – when Moog shows one of their lower cost more experimental synths. I definitely relate to thesse Moog releases.

So two videos at least one from Loopop and one from Andrew Huang.
ADDED: Three videos – add one from Sweetwater, probably by Daniel Fisher.

If it is a Subharmonicon i expect Moog has spent the two years improving what was a special sort of synth. Instabuy for me, along with the Behringer 2600.


I recall DFAM going on sale for the latest Moogfest event - about $100 off.

It’s a no-brainer Subharmonicon ain’t going to be priced like a Volca or something. I don’t mind eating cheap ramen and foregoing the daily cup of Starbucks for 6 months to make room in the budget for it.

Would love to pair DFAM and Subharmonicon. People are talking about Anti-Ambient music on the other thread, this pair would be the rhythm section for Anti-Techno

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Which is good to note the DFAM was a redo of the BFAM that Moog had at an earlier Moogfest. So if this is “for real”, perhaps there is the same sort of redo relationship and this is now called the “Infra-Harmonicon” or some such, to distinguish it.

Here’s the Sweetwater photo that seems to have kicked off today’s excitement. If its real, they kept the name


But compare that to the original:

They may have kept the name but they changed it all around.

EDIT: Found a better image to compare. EDIT #2: I cropped image.
EDIT #3: Got a better image, without the glare for the SubH.


If it turn out to be real and not too pricey, this may have to be my first Moog apart from some patch cables.

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Hey! A petition I signed finally worked. I’ll take this as confirmation of a solipsistic worldview and warn you all: Get ready for a ton of political upheaval!

On a serious note: I like the redesign – I think moving the oscillator controls to the center points toward the fact that the Subharmonicon is a synth where you “perform” the relative intervals and harmonics more than filter sweeps. Now, to start saving.


Yeah, they changed the design but they still kept the name - that’s all I’m saying

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One difference, they’ve changed the subordinate name.

It was:
Subharmonicon – Semi Modular Analog Synthesizer

Now it’s:
Subharmonicon – Semi Modular Analog Polyrhythmic Synthesizer

And these controls have been added:

And as chm_jacques points out the two oscilator controls are moved to the center and layed out side by side, which makes it more comprehensible.

And they added full Attack control pots for the VCA and VCF instead of the three position switches they had before for the attack control. They kept the other filter controls the same.

I bet the polyrhythmic additions make a large difference to how this can sound.

BTW: I no longer doubt that this is for real.


Damn. Just when I was getting quite comfortable thinking I wasn’t going to buy any more gear this year…


I doubt I’ll get it but it’s an exciting release.

Moog :purple_heart:

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I’m trying to comprehend the meaning and how the Polyrhythm section i pictured above works.

You can dial in four separate rhythms (presumably with a widish variation) and then decide which of the two sequence they get assign. Then it seems that these rhythm variations then somehow get combined, in a matrix.

How does this combination work?

Looks like there is a ton of variation possibilities here. Leave it to Moog to come up with such a thing.

ADDED: The other thing about these controls is, they are incredibly performable. Inverting the rhythm selections by just running your finger over the buttons. Or invert just one of the sequences by running your finger over the top or bottom half of buttons. Or just twisting one of the four pots, seems like another performance option. Will be fun !