Moog Subharmonicon

I am in awe of your attention to detail - seriously.

The change to the subordinate name is consistent with taking the time to more fully flesh out the design that was introduced a couple of years ago, and try to improve the user experience and so on. The name change suggests that in 2020 they have a clearer vision of what this product should be than they did in 2018.


This only means … an intended second hand O-coast will have to wait.


This shows tremendous self-control by a company, to decide, “No, this experiment isn’t ready to be a real product.”

I imagine there is some sort of group meeting, to decide about presentations made at Moogfest. And the people that actually were the authors argue for it to become a product, and another group, evaluating and critical picking apart the design. The input from the Moogfest attendees is no doubt included. This may actually get a little heated. And so the authors, go off and make improvements, and it goes through another round. And so forth until either the doubters are quelled, or the authors give up. That is good design process.


The Polyrhythm section existed on the old one, too. They are the small knobs that used to say Sub 1-4 and handle the clock subdivisions (or subharmonics).

I love the strong conceptual approach on this one. For some people it might be too theoretical but for me this pure gold. Can’t wait to get this one next to my DFAMs!

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Yes it was polyrythmic from the start. Loopop made a very good review :


I hope to see this beast for real. Only a few things bother me:

  • Non quantified sequencer -> need to find an external solution
  • tiny sequencer knobs -> need an upgrade kit like DFAM
  • Black color -> need an overlay

Funny that these are things I like about it :cool:

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Looking forward to hear some sawtooth minor chords going through the ladder filter and being washed into space with a delay. Dub techno heaven? :nerd_face: can you play the subharmonics via cv? I was on the fence for the doepfer 4osc module, but maybe wait for the new friend from another mother :sunglasses:


looks like there is quantization on/off on this new version…

it’s looking like an insta-buy for me…


Has it the same warmth as the mother 32? Correct me if im wrong here but some Moogs sound harsher than others depending on the oscillator. Like the voyager was warm but the sub 37 was harsher.

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This quantize button seems related to the tuning of the sub frequencies. I hope there is a way to quantize the sequencer too.

The addition of new waveforms for the oscillators is great. I wish we could morph in between these waveforms.


You mean the Moogfest one? How does it work? What exactly do the 4 knobs control?

Design should be more collaborative than combative though! Not every idea and feature can and should make it into the final product, but that doesn’t mean exhausting a subject matter expert through force of will!

I may be reading this incorrectly, but “heated” and “give up” sound like morale killers in an environment that thrives creatively on trust, respect, and a semi-flat hierarchy of ideas and expertise (not Valve, but when all areas of product are committed to quality and given voice.)

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If it sounds as badass as the moogfest version I MUST HAVE IT.


Don’t worry, it’s just a story Jukka made up for entertainment purposes. Like anybody from Moog Music is going to gossip in public about workplace drama.


If you haven’t heard it in person, you can’t be wrong or right.

You probably heard this over the years so much that you’re tired of hearing it, but online demos always leave something out, even in the case of Moog stuff.

Moog Matriarch and Moog Sub 37 are the most recent examples for me - to actually hear those beasts in person through good speakers just blows away anything I heard of those same synths online.

Do you know what oscillator is used? I heard the Mother 32 uses the same as the Voyager. I’m just working on that.

I don’t know but there’s somebody who posted to MuffWiggler who knows. I think there is a Subharmonicon thread there. You should be able to find it with forum search.

He built his Subharmonicon at the Moogfest workshop. He might have mentioned the oscillator in that thread but I wasnt paying attention. That thread is 2 years old and I forgot most of what was said there.

Thanks I will check that site out.

I slept on this… and just now made the mistake of watching the Loopop video. Why do I do this to myself. This thing is really incredible. I really hope you can quantize the OSC internally.