Moog Subharmonicon

enhance !


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blade runner enhance gif 1

Cue Vangelis


So some of the improvements with the SubH that i have picked out:

  • Clearer and easier to use arrangement of the controls on the front panel.

  • A choice of two wave forms for the two oscillators. Before it was only a sawtooth. Now you can choose sawtooth or square, independently for both oscillators. Whether these wave forms get reflected back into the various subs is TBD. (LATER EDIT: The subs waveform does also change between square and saw. What i missed is there is a third posiiton which does a pulse width modulation of the main oscilator by sub1 !)

  • Two separate pots to select the attack for the VCF and the VCA envelopes. These were three position switches before.

  • An (internal) way to quantize the two main oscillators as run by the two sequencers. (That’s my guess anyway, as to what the quantizer governs.) There are four options for the quantize as mentioned in my last post … five including “no pitch quantize”. (I surmise.)

  • Various changes to the patch panel, changes and additions. It’s still the same number of connections – 32, but things have moved around and control has changed. Like for instance the addition of MIDI IN – probably TRS MIDI, and both VCO1_PWM, and VCO2_PWM. See my detail on this below.

  • Changes in the way the two four-step sequencers governs operation. This has something to do with polyrhythm and timing. My head hurts enough, though i get the basic idea with the SubH OG’s operation in this regard – so i’m not really understanding the detail of the changes. But it’s pretty clear things have changed, and have added options and possibilities.

I will include two details from the SubH picture in this regard. Perhaps someone else understands these options more fully. If so please fill us all in on how this has changed.

Subharmonicon Seq Assign
There are two of these assign groups, one for SEQ_1 and one for SEQ_2.

There is detail of the equivalent controls on the SubH OG in the Loopop video starting at about 10 minutes in.

Patch Panel Change Detail:

EDIT: Changed abbreviations to SubH.

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Thanks. For me as long as the sound remains the same i’d be happy. But there appears as you say to be a raft of changes that improve the original build.

We have a nice picture, but no sound – YET !
I imagine the sound capabilities of the SubH are a super-set of those with the SubH OG. In particular with the addition of the square waves and PWM controls, along with the changes to the sequencers. Oh and the addition of the pitch quantizer will make it much easier to dial in the harmonious sounds if that is what you are seeking.

EDIT: Changed abbreviations to SubH.

My newest question is what all is controllable with the MIDI_IN ?

Is it the basics like oscillator pitch, velocity, and gate ? Or does it include the filter ? Or the subs ? How about some control over the sequencers. Pretty soon this gets completely nuts.


Somewhat as an aside to this all – i notice that there is a strong resemblance between the Moog Subharmonicon sequencers and a simplified version of the sequencer done by ryktnk in the M185 and the subsequent implementation of that in the Intellijel Metropolis. It happens RYK Modular just released a new and improved redo of the M185 in Eurorack that looks like a great beginning if you decided to do your own Subharmonicon in Eurorack. (Which is running through my mind – it looks doable.)
RYK Modular
Gearnews Announcement of M185

ADDED MORE: Another functional aspect of the Subharmonicon can be done using a Make Noise Maths module, as done by Loopop in a video that i posted up thread.

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French website getting ahead of the game.

They obviously got some official word – as for instance how else could they know the TRS MIDI_IN is Type A. This says to me that the official word/release is iminent.

Good detail in this – Thanks for the link graverubber.

ADDED: This says it will be in stock immediately ! (but adds to this “Si tout va bien…”)

Plus now we have a price – 819 € .

ADDED: Some nice images with this too !

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does it have cv pitch and gate in??? Asking for a mother.



Are they nuts?

The link is now down; must have jumped the gun.

This shop is about 5km from me too.

RRP on DFAM / M32 was €750 or so… Street price should end up cheaper…DFAM was available for 550 until recently

If that 819 was even correct. I wouldn’t be buying early on at that price

yeah 550 street for the dfam and also the mother 32 over here too. would have expected this one in the same ball park. You could find a Grandmother for that price even if they now have gone up a little.

I’m obsessed with this thing.

I have absolutely no use for it whatsoever, but I want one. :neutral_face:



Yes, imagine the possibilities sequencing it with an Elektron sequencer if it has that much control, would be easy to get very lost! (I doubt it offers that much control, though)

On the patch panel it has trigger in, and cv in’s for the both VCO’s and the 2 subs of each VCO, so, yeah, think so :slight_smile:

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I just got an email from Musician’s Friend about price cuts to the Matriarch and Moog One. I can only assume this is because they expect to make so much money from the Subharmonicon. (That’s how business works, right? You can only make so much profit?)

But also, I guess if anyone is thinking of a Matriarch or Moog One, I got an email about price cuts from Musician’s Friend.

MF seems to just cut prices on random things at random. Like their Stupid Deal of the Day. That’s how I got one of my guitars. But thanks for the heads up!