Moog Subharmonicon

cant fkn wait for dis :upside_down_face::dash:

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Uh this is going to be insane…

Looks like I am about to need a triple rack to make room :upside_down_face:


seems like it could be released very, very soon :sunglasses:

I know ! It’s not like we can’t see through that mask with all those eyes shining through in the picture.

But how much is left to announce ? We know what and how much and when – more or less. So there’s some specific detail to tack down, but it’s not like the announcement is going to surprise anyone anymore who’s been paying attention.

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Haha… I thought you’d up and bought one somewhere. I was like… What?!


Moog May be releasing the subharmonnicon thanks to Sweetwaters latest email.


German website


From Reddit Looks like the post was deleted but here’s the image.


Look at the serial numbers.
It’s imho a huge amount of units for such an exotic thing if you ask me.
I’m thinking about a moog trinity right now.


I’m just gonna wait for the Superharmonicon, it’s supposed to have 3 more harmicons. In the meantime I’m just going to play my harmonica.


Jokes aside, can’t they just list these on our favorite retailers websites so we can all grab one and move on with our lives, and make more groovy sounds?

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So do we have a confirmed release date yet? I’ve been looking at these since Loopop dropped his video a couple of years ago.

Is this an improvement over the original thats been released already?

It hasn’t been released already. A few people built a DIY version of it at Moogfest. This version is a refined version of that one, it seems.

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JAkoGreyshire! Yeah, that’s the guy who attended Moog workshops to build and bring home both his DFAM and his Subharmonicon, and patiently fielded questions and comments about both.

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Ah i thought several hundred have already gone out last year. How did they get the build so refined in the firsr place though? The faceplates and all look manufatured to high standards. I guess even Moog self builds are of the highest quality.

Having reset on this makes the lack of it on DFAM even more confusing.
Regardless, this looks amazing.

So some detail that i picked out from the front panel photo we have. I zoomed in on the detail of the quantize button. There is a little glare with this but you can still see well enough.

Subharmonicon quantize

I think the button scrolls through four choices: 12-ET (Equal Temprament), 8-ET, 12-JI (Just Intonation), and 8-JI. For those who don’t don’t know the difference between ET and JI, look it up. [Note i don’t think by 8-ET that they mean 8-TET but rather 8 tones, the major scale ?, selected from the 12-TET. If they really mean 8-TET then this thing is really wild. 8-JI should be analogous.]

With Just Intonation included, the SH is capable of some beautiful harmonies. I think the quantization applies only to the two primary oscillators by the sequencer, not the two subharmonics generated by each oscillator. The subharmonics are all integral divisions anyways so that is akin to a Just Intonation sort of scheme anyway – it’s just that they include all the weirder sub-intervals “fractions” we don’t experience as often.

Jellyfish – Do you mean dequantize the sequencer, instead? I think the two fourstep sequencers will just run on the beat, unless you do something through the patch panel.

ADDED the phrase “by the sequencer” to clarify my meaning. That all said, i really don’t have a clue, so looking forward to learning more about the new SH and it’s operation.