More posts per page

Right now the limit seems to be ten posts. When a discussion really takes off and the number of posts goes into the hundreds, flipping through ten posts at a time is quite tedious.

Let the user decide how many posts that should be visible on each page, preferably also including “show all posts in thread”. Standard functionality for almost all web forums as far as I know.

This makes it easier to catch up with threads, and lessens the risk of people posting the same questions over and over due to that it is easier to post a new question than to look for an existing answer.

I agree. I’m actually finding the navigation of Elektronauts to be rather fatiguing.

this was already mentioned in a previous post somewhere so i believe the guys at Elektron are aware of our needs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Increased to 20. Don’t want to set it too high because of performance issues.