More than 128 samples

Hello. Is there a way to load more than 128 samples/project?

Thank you

Combine multiple samples into a single file, then change the start point to trigger each of them.

You can easily for 20 drum hits into a single 30 sec file.


Hey Rusty thank you. I will try it this way.


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Space 'em all out and use an LFO on [sample start] to chose which to play e.g. random :slight_smile:

Actually the lfo tip I don’t net, I have better control over it via cc from my ext. sequencer :smiley:

But one more question about the Start Point. Is it possible that the sample it self maybe starts later because of silence between the samples?

if thats what you want yes.
if you put the samples together on the grid (to simplify things ) when creating the sample chain, and use correct start values, it wont sound any different.

the lfo suggestion (with random) wont work as it wont be restricted to started at the start of the specific waveform of any particular drum waveform.
but you could use p-lock on sample start by hand … . dial it into correct place … and use conditional trig to play it.

you could try octachainer to group the samples instead of doing it by hand.

you can use the additional space before the actual drum waveform to add a little randomness to the timing, a bit like ‘humanise’ or swing.

make a sample chain with 120 samples that have the same length. now you can select every sample in the chain with the sample start parameter (it has 120 steps…) make sure to adjust the amp envelope …

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and for simplicity i’d arrange them in groups .
eg 16 x bass drums, 16 x snares, 16 x claps…leave ‘slots’ blank and add them as you like…
it’ll make it easier to use in a years time, when youve forgotten everything.

Thanks for your tips. I think octachainer is the way to go. I have not known that this program exists. Very nice. And yes, I will not forget the amp settings.