More than an app on the iPad with digitakt

I have just found out (late to the party…) the possibility to connect the iPad to the digitakt and control it through midi tracks.
Is it possible to work with more apps at the same time set to different midi channels /tracks? I would like for example to have the moog app on track 9 and a piano app on track 10…
Thanks for your help

If you use something like AUM or Audiobus (maybe even ApeMatrix?) it’s no problem, you can set each App to a different MIDI channel and then sequence as you wish.

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Ah ok. I do not know these apps…I will check them out. Thanks for the suggestion

Korg Electribe Wave is a good wavetable synth/app that has 8 tracks, perfect for the DT.

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All the 8 tracks of the electribe can be controlled by the 8 digitakt midi tracks right?

Start with AUM - its a kind of iPad audio industry standard these days - highly flexible and stable.

Then then add whatever other AUV3 midi / audio apps you want. There’s a very rich and extensive range available. Some people like to use Drambo, others Koala, others BeatMaker3 but really there are so many interesting options out there. AUM allows you to combine them in all sorts of interesting and unique ways.

Only downside to AUM is that it has to be the master clock. If you want to control transport via the DT (or anything for that matter) you’re out of luck. As much as I enjoy using AUM over Audiobus these are the moments when I get annoyed with it. Workarounds are there but I find it very annoying.

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That is correct.

Thanks. I would like to use the DT as master…which app would you suggest?

Not sure if its your kind of thing but I sometimes like to use Korg Gadget with DT or OT. You can make more intricate sequences on Gadget and sync them, or you can bypass Gadgets sequencer altogether and use DT to sequence Gadgets plugins, plus cc’s etc.

The Gadget plugins are very streamlined so there isn’t a complex wealth of options but they do sound nice and you get a variety of them, plus insert fx and a mixer. Might be worth checking it out :wink:

Audiobus and ApeMatrix will offer you both what you’re looking for if you want to mix various apps and add effects to each and you can set the MIDI channel on each app/channel individually.
Those are the ones I know but I‘m fairly new to ApeMatrix. Biggest advantage of ApeMatrix in my opinion is that you don’t have to scroll as much when you set up a bigger project but have everything in a compact overview.

Is there a device/adaptor that can double the digitakt USB port? I try to explain better…I would need something that could allow me to connect both an iPad (to run some synth app controlled by the digitakt sequencer) and a laptop (to record in a daw with overbridge). Thanks

I do this on a Mac, both iPad and DT are connected to,the Mac via USB. I route the MIDI from the DT to the iPad with a Mac appliction called MIDIPipe. The audio is routed anywhere I need using an application called Loopback. Send me a message if you need help.

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