Most disconcerting (non-violent) films you've seen?

Murmur of the Heart is disconcerting.

Disney films.


As a child

For those who want to delve into deeply disconcerting Japanese whimsy, it seems that an unsubtitled version is on Youtube. Not that subtitles make it any more comprehensible…

Inland Empire and Tideland maybe. At the time I watched them, both were kind of like a mirror image of my own mind and thus it was actually quite a soothing experience to watch them, but this observation was in turn quite unsettling.

I‘d say nothing beats this combination of having just the right mindset for a movie, or music album, or a painting, experiencing it just at the right time.

TL;DR - I liked them.


A load of films will spring to mind for this one but the first is:

Many hated this but it is a rare example of a film that both myself and missus simply adored. Really stuck with us for a long time. It might not strictly have been “disconcerting”, or perhaps it is to begin with then flips into something comforting maybe, but I still think about it regularly years on from when I watched it. And this song from the end is just perfection to me:


Idiocrazy. I don’t think it’s a good movie tho.

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Oh shit yes.

I remember watching the first half with my ex and then she went to bed. Then I cried my eyes out through the second half and in the morning she asked me what happened in the film and I started crying while trying to recount the story.


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I took my wife to see it at the cinema on one of our first dates. The week before that we saw Love Liza (low key but very good Seymour Hoffman film about a guy who slips into depression and substance abuse after the death of his wife) . She hated Love Liza way more than Irreversible. :rofl:

Tough crowd. :rofl:

Oh and I just remembered: I did a series of workshops with some media students about sound design for film and I used part of the nightclub scene to illustrate uncoventional but highly effective sound design. A few of them asked me afterwards what film it was and I had to say I can’t tell you :joy:


@Tchu The Naked Lunch indeed !
It’s an awesome adaptation of the book, given that it is impossible to translate faithfully on screen the actual content without being arrested and sent in the deepest dungeon.

Weller is incredible.
One of my favorite Cronenberg definitely.
Perfect for any family reunion (if you want to get rid of everybody instantly )

Inland Empire is still to this day my biggest trip in theaters.
Only Lynch can make you shit your pants just watching two ladies drinking tea.


Society, and “the Shunting” scene/culmination of the film.

Bless Yuzna and Screaming Mad George.

I like to go into movies with a basic description, I’d mentioned to spouse that there was some class warfare elements that sounded fun, what I got was


a decade or so of my partner sending me occasional screenshots from that movie as a reminder that it exists and I chose to show it to them.

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Under rated…


Mother ! For sure. I need to watch that again. Maybe.

Just seen this, I think it is absolutely one of the best/most disconcerting films i have seen


Elia Petri made some cool films including ‘a quiet place in the country’

Everything from Jan Svankmaier. And Brothers Quay. Also Midori was quiet disturbing.


I loved this movie. A thing of beauty.

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