Most Efficient Set-up?

Hello. Im new to the site. My name is Matt. I am running a Moog Slim Phatty (hate that name) a Moog Minotaur, an Octatrack through a MOTU 828 MkII interface. I work in a mac mini 2.4 GHz, 8GB RAM. REAPER is my DAW. What is the most efficient set-up?
Each unit midi out to the interface and back or midi thru? Any and all advice is appreciated.

Welcome to the forum, Matt.
So that we can advise you best, it would be good to know how you plan to use your gear. Most importantly, are you using Reaper to do your main sequencing, and synchronizing the Octatrack to Reaper? Or using the Octatrack as the master machine in your setup?