Mother 32 thru digitakt external mixer

I tried to run my mother 32 thru the external mixer for some effects.
When i tried it the first time it worked but when i started the sequencer on the digitakt, the effects (reverb and delay) are stopping. When i tried it again without the sequencer, it doesn’t work anymore unless i restart the digitakt and then it works again one time without the sequencer, and it all stops again when i start the digitakt sequence…
Any solutions?
Tnx, S

Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 22.53.21


I have experienced this.

What I found is that the mixer-settings (external) is stored even when I change pattern. Until I start the sequencer…

So maybe you are experiencing the same thing? That you have actually changed pattern?

…but, I think I remember that in the latest firmware, there is a setting to keep the mixer-settings across patterns? You’ll have to look it up though…maybe it was only on the digitone?


