Motion Sonic (by Sony)

Sony starts crowdfunding for wearablecontroller



Can t wait for that dj air waving.

Bizarre that Sony is coming out with this in 2021. There have been a ton of similar controllers made by avant garde electronic musicians and artists in the past 40 years or so, and much better thought out too.

I find it kinda ridiculous that musicians have to release their instrument for being able to use the wristband controller. The dj demo being the worst there. He can t use his right hand at all on the CDJs.

Also, what the heck is mega-corp Sony doing on indiegogo?!


YeAh Sony + crowdfunding sounds like a weird night dream of someone slightly out mind.


Looks like they have this trainee team that came up with this project and told m they could do it if they manage to raise funding for it.

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Exactly! They could just sell a few PS5s out the back door. This seems a bit off to me.

They’re there for the publicity. It’s like Shenmue 3 all over again.

…do they reeaally need to be doing this? i would not expect this from such a big company, but they might want to check the market first…still, feels like they might not be sure of the validity of their own product? :thinking:

and that’s only the controller part …the rest is even more weird. No MIDI … you have to use an iPhone + audio interface and some awkward Sony app to route everything through that for some filter action … yeah right … nahhh thanks

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Ok Roland, time to start crowdfunding for that D-Beam MkII.

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Like @finalform said, I think the PR dept just needs some air time.

But you can “express the comfortable pitch waving Lo-fi sound never heard” :rofl:

But only if in Japan or US apparently, Lo-fi pitch wavers elsewhere are SOOL.

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Time to start my Import/Export-Business!

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