MOTU interfaces (8 line ins)

MOTU apparently had an issue sourcing a key part for the MK4 - if you go to any retailer site, they won’t have them in stock, and Sweetwater doesn’t even list it anymore. I ordered one from Alto last year and they ended up sending me an Ultralite AVB instead.

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Thanks. I have noticed that as well.

I have reached out to the retailer from which I purchased the M4 to see if I can return it and upgrade it. The mk4 is really ideal, for me, though, because my Polar has SPDIF and it would be nice to use that in the future.

I wouldn’t be afraid to buy used, if the condition is good. These are built very well. I bought mine b-stock from zZounds, years ago
There are some on reverb.
Look for that ES serial number prefix, or the ESS Sabre logo on the box, like this one:

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828es…AVB BABY!..

I don’t use it tho :slight_smile: I dont think id ever have more than 8 going in…hell…im usually at 3, two being stereo in. room to spare.

agree with @AdamJay MOTU are rock solid.
and the Ultralite MK4 is awesome.

[adding: sorry I didn’t mean to reply direct]

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But if you invite friends over (pandemic free) with their gear…

I use a 2408mk2 as an 8 channel expander over light pipe. Since most people can’t run that firewire card you need to host it, you can find them super cheap and do the basic configuration from the front panel. Set it and forget it.

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The Ultralite MK4 is just perfect for me. It works stand alone, offers tons of flexibility, is portable and in the studio I can extend 8 to 16 ins via Adat with a Motu 8 pre, which I got rather cheap since many don‘t want a Firewire Interface anymore. In fact I had to configure it exactly once via Firewire to decide on an audio rate, while the rest of the time I can configure all ins and outs via the Ultralite‘s USB connection. I can even hook it up to my Ipad and record all 16 individual tracks in Cubasis.

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I have none :frowning:

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828es with Apogee Ensemble on ADAT under Windows 10. Never had any problems.

Absolutely :slight_smile:

I have a MOTU Ultralite MK3 (Hybrid)
I quite like it, specially for what I payed for it (300 U$D, in perfect condition)
The only thing I really, REALLY don’t like is that (afaik) there’s no way to make a separate headphone mix that includes the internal computer sound (ie. browser, etc.), something that sounds incredibly ridiculous but it seems like it’s a fact… and I know that’s super easy to set up in RME’s software.

EDIT: you can make the HP mix the same as the main out, but then you can’t control the volume of the headphone mix other than with the frontal encoder (which you have to press to switch between main and hp) - I would really like to be able to just use the bus fader from the software…
If anyone here knows how to do it, please let me know! for what I read online, it’s only possible using physical cables.

Wow. The 8A looks nice if you don’t have a lot of space. Very nice. That’s a lot of input and output in a lil’ box!

I don’t know about PC, but on a Mac you can set the computer sounds to come out your speakers and the rest thru your sound card. So you COULD go out yer headphones ‘sans’ computer sounds for an alt mix.

I don’t know what type of comp you’re using

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If you assign your default stereo output to an alt output (say out 7/8) but keep your main assigned to main output, you should be able to do this with busses in the mix panel of the Mk3. No?
I have this set up in this way: main outputs assigned to 7/8 going to a Midas 160. Which I can mute either from MOTU mix center either from the Midas. Same for a phone output.
Actually hp out can be configured as another out, independant from the main mix.

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But I DO want to have the so-called computer sound on that mix. That’s what I couldn’t figure out.
BTW I forgot to mention it - I’m on Mac, high Sierra.

Would it be to troublesome to bother you with screenshots? That might be helpful, so I can try that out - I’m not sure I quite get it

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A thing I figured out with my 8A recently if you have MacOS (Mojave or newer): It has AVB support built-in, so all MOTU’s AVB interfaces (which includes the Ultralite MK4, the 8A and the 828es) can be connected with ethernet to your Mac as well.

No more shared devices (with all quirks that can happen) on your USB bus! :sunglasses: (and you can have a very, very long cable without any problems)

Sure I will do this.
I will have to go to the studio and try to shoot some steady pics :slight_smile:
In the end it is pretty easy.
If I understand well, you would like the sound of your computer (say YT) mixed in the hp with another source?
Assigning a mix bus to the hp and another mix bus to go through hp as well. So in the end, you would have 2 mix busses going out to the hp :slight_smile:
PS: you could also just have your mains assigned to your hp :slight_smile: