MOTU interfaces (8 line ins)

Now that’s just nonsense, what about us?

I’ll look at how I’m setup in a bit and get back.
Does the MK3 use the app for routing?
It’s called Discovery.


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UL MK3 uses CueMix, an older software. Different in several ways.


Right. I didn’t know when the switch was made. I went from MK1 (which is still going strong as an I/O from Blocks/VCV for euro) to Ultralite MK4/8A combo. Ending up currently with the 828es

@phaelam I read that you are using your 828es with a Mac. Is that a Macbook with T2 chip? I am having some weird bitcrushing-like issues (i suspect failing to lock to a particular sample rate) with my bus powered M4 going through Plugable USB HUB 3 > Caldigit TS3 Plus > T3 port on my MBPro 2018 with Mojave (last update).

I don’t have any issue with a Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 2nd gen, going through the same path. However the Scarlett has its own power adapter.

Have you experienced anything like this via thunderbolt (or usb) with your Mac? I hope this could be different with a powered device such as the 828es.

I’m on a late 2014 iMac, Mojave. Direct in Via thunderbolt. No issues. Logic set to buffer 64, sample rate 48khz

Can you not go direct in to your MacBook?
Do you have your MOTU set as main clock in Audio Setup?

im gonna keep editing this as it comes back to me. the issue I had was…the audio would start to crackle…then the MOTU would disconnect. and I talked with MOTU and we got it sorted. I DO remember it was my fault…im just trying to remember what I did. that was when I was running the 8A thru the Ultralite MK4.

oh shit sorry…I thought you DIDNT want comp sounds. that shit KILLS ME.

anyways…if you WANT the sound…just make you pick here where the sounds go…

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well… that’s not quite what I meant either hehe
I meant computer sounds as in beeing able to route the sound of Google Chrome, for instance, via one of the buses…

Thanks for your reply!

I will try connecting the M4 to the macbook and see how it goes. The M4 is not as advanced as the other motu (I have an old Traveler Mk1 in a separate studio) and although it has dedicated drivers, there is no Motu Audio Setup software where you can set to be the master clock and everything is run via the Audio Midi Setup in Mac Os (if this is what you meant).

What I am experiencing is a slow and gradual degradation of sound until it gets bitcrushed and distorted. It does not happen very often and it’s not a playback error only. Unfortunately if I am recording something, the glitches get recorded too.

I have also an issue with OBS in which a small chunk of audio gets looped back and repeated for the duration of the recording, in addition to what I am currently recording. This does not happens with the Focusrite and I suspect that the internal loopback function of the Motu is the culprit. This might actually be a separate issue though…

Maybe loopback?

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I have loopback, but I couldn’t figure out to route anything to a place other than the main out… I’ll double check, thanks for the suggestion!

wait which MOTU do you have? and did you say you can use the routing matrix with it?
im net gonna wait for a response…if you wanna record ANYTHING from your computer and you have that matrix…just do this…

you can directly route the computer sounds to a bus. BUT that’s everything. so…youd have to go old school and just record your computer separately

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unfortunately the MK3 doesn’t have that software so… no luck there
thanks anyway!

Out comp headphone Jack into MOTU?
I dunno man. Sorry :frowning:

I know yer MOTU is solid…but update?! :slight_smile:

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MK4 is tempting since it’s also compatible with my iPad (MK3 is not)… but the price difference is enormous, specially where I live (Argentina) - gear prices are usually quite ridiculous around here

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Sorry for the delay in replying but I was away from home and studio.
Did you make sure to uncheck the option called:
Headphones follow active mix in the CueMix menu?
Will get to make photos today.

Wasn’t sure but yeap, that’s disabled.

Much appreciated!!!

Quick question for any of you Motu Ultralite users. Is anybody here using the DSP based Compressor or Limiter that is accessible through CueMix FX? Wondering if people like it’s utility/sound while tracking as a soft limiter or using as master bus comp for finalizing tracks. Thanks!

I am using my UL mk3 as an input for OT (which also receives DN in AB, DT in CD and DB-01 in DT) as well as a hydrasynth.
I use the compressor on the main out of the MOTU (not in front of my setup now so cannot detail the settings) and a FMR RNC after that.
I find the DSP on the MOTU pretty good to be honest.
I am also using a LPF @ 30Hz and a HPF @ 14kHz.


I’m bumping this thread since I can’t find one that’s dedicated to my issue. I recently bought an M4 and am discovering that the 3/4 line inputs on the back have really low volume (I guess this is a known issue?)

I’m running my Octatrack’s fully gained cue output through a Norns and then into a UMC404HD interface to drive the signal, but even with the signal cranked all the way up in my Norns and then driven by the UMC interface, it’s still only hitting around -16db. The only way to get it higher is to crank up the UMC till it’s consistently peaking, but that adds distortion to the sound.

Does anyone have a cheapish remedy for boosting my signal without distorting it? At this point I’m pretty close to sending the M4 back, as the extra inputs are less than adequate.