Motu Traveler dropouts, any ideas?

Hello all!
I have a Traveler “original” model. I updated drivers to latest ones.
Soundcard’s firmware is the last one I could get.

But…since a week the soundcard started to dropout sound for two seconds.
It simply disappears then back with no glitches or else.
It happens randomly, maybe two times in a hour, maybe one in a day…not related to software running…sometimes with iTunes, Ableton, Protools…I can’t tell of a difference…

It has never done this. I am running on OSX 10.8.5.
Any savvy can disclose me WHY? :cry:
Thanks a lot in advance!!

I am having the same issue and haven’t found a way to solve it. Did you?

Unfortunately not.

I borrowed a Fireface 800 and the MOTU is being used as a digital I/O sidecar only few times when i need AES/EBU connection.

So I can’t say if something has changed so far…


Bit late to this thread, and really posting to provide my own anecdote:

Like @sicijk , I use a Traveler as a digital i/o sidecar these days. I actually bought my MK1 Traveler with this purpose in mind, using 8 channels a/d over the ADAT output connection, and clocking it from another interface via the ADAT input.

Anyways, I think these older MOTUs are more sensitive to OS and older computer hardware.
For instance, using my MK1 Traveler by itself, in OS X 10.12.6 Sierra, with a 2012 i5 quad iMac, it performs admirably, and surprisingly good (compared to my UL MK4 which does the job without a hitch), even at a lower 64 sample buffer.
Using the latest driver v1.6.73220 (Release Date 2017-07-01), but, unfortunately not the latest firmware (1.07) Mine is on firmware 1.04 because the firmware updater is PowerPC and only works in OSes up to 10.6.8, this might actually be a benefit I’ve read anecdotes where firmware 1.07 was giving people many issues.

I’d be curious to know, @sicijk if you ever updated to a newer OS, and what computer you were using at the time that was having the issue. And what firmware the Traveler is/was running.

did you do an pram resets recently…if so, some settings may go back to default.
make sure you have no power save settings on.

this may help [if you haven’t done so already]

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Hey there! Thanks for your insight. At the moment I have all the studio unplugged so I cannot test nor check firmware/driver. Even though I believe, if remembered correctly, my Traveler is on 1.07 :man_facepalming:.
Anyway now I am on 10.11.6 and 10.8.5 too (because I run Protools 10).

I’ll check in less than a month when I should have everything plugged back.

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