
Has anyone found the way MIDI output on Cycles works useful? I was testing out a MIDI connection and after an hour realized the reason it “stopped working” was because other patterns weren’t set up for MIDI output…

I just don’t get why Elektron did it this way.

You have to set up each individual track’s channel on every new project…

Then for every pattern, you have to set Mout to ON on every individual track…

For a device that simplifies everything, the way they made you do all this work to get MIDI output is… puzzling.

Project-level base channel and # of channels would have been sufficient, I think?

Interesting, I don’t do much external midi sequencing with my M:S. You could always save a project with all your midi settings as a template. Then you just open that project, save it as a new project and you are good to go.

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Yeah, but what about all my existing projects … that’s a lot of Mouts I have to enable … :expressionless:

You’ve got a lot of Mout’s to feed.

You can also open a ticket with Elektron to see if they could remedy it, or simplify it in a firmware update.


…working with a presetted template u always start from, makes a difference…

while midi implementation on the models is nothing but a give away…it’s by no means a full capable midi sequencer…it only mirrors what’s going on within a track…no independant midi programming possible…the midi track does what the internal track does…at the same time…always…
only nice for doubling up a bassline with an external synth or additional shadowing a snare something…and in most cases those external midi devices are better and way more useful and expressive connected to real, full fledged midi sequencers…