Moving the Playhead or Looping a Page

If you have a four bar long loop, and you’re working on editing the sequence on the 4th bar, you can’t just choose to loop that 4th bar, you need to spin through the entire cycle to hear the fourth bar.

Am I correct in assuming that this is just the way it is? Is there a preferred work around that people use?

Thanks fellow Elektronaughts!

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Same on the Digitakt, there is no way as far as I know… Would love that!

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Only way I know is the OT arranger…

the two common ones are kinda labour intensive

one is to nudge the track to the first page and shorten the track temporarily
the other is to copy the page to another shorter pattern then copy back

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Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I figure this issue is the same with a number of Elektron boxes.


All the same

edit: sorta :arrow_down:

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OT has the arranger! :wink:

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Song mode on Monomachine and Machinedrum can also loop one page using pattern offset and pattern length (IIRC), similar to OT arranger.

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then WE the PEOPLE demand this feature as Elektron standard for all devices! Seriously!


I’ve often wondered about this. It would be great to just loop one 16 bar phrase on the M:C

From User Manual: All trigs of a track can be shifted forwards or backward on the sequencer. While in GRID RECORDING mode, hold down [TRACK] while turning LEVEL/DATA.

I’d mute other tracks, bring the moment I’m working on to the beginning and move it back to place when finished!