Mpc 1000

I’ve seen lots of folks on YouTube using Reason as a sound module with their MPC. Seems like a good combo. I’m thinking as far as Push/Live is concerned, maybe I should just treat them as separate rigs. Computer-based vs. No computer at all- this is where I would have my OT/MPC/OP-1 combination. After all, I acquired all this hardware to get away from the computer.

So without a computer, everything is working beautifully…

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Beautiful :slight_smile: Keep us posted on what you discover with your setup.

Good stuff :slight_smile: Would be good to know how it develops, and the setup you end up feeling most comfortable with. As I said earlier. I ended up using the MPC as the master, sending program changes etc to the elektrons in the end.

And I may end up going that way. Seems to make more sense. I’m also gonna ditch the mixer and the turntable when I play live. Have a gig in December with a friend. We’re gonna practice once just to figure out syncing/setup and then just go with it improv. He will be Ableton-based with a Korg MS-20 and I will be using the setup pictured. Just gotta figure out whose setup will be the master and how to hook it all up. I’m thinking that’s where my iConnectAUDIO4+ will enter the picture. It’s gonna give me a headache wiring it all up but it will be fun. Gets old jamming by yourself after awhile.

Good luck with it all.
FYI, without a sync lock type box, I found ableton only liked being the master. As a slave, the tempo jumps around all over the place. One of my biggest gripes with ableton, and I’ve used it since V1.
I basically just use ableton as a multitrack and editor now, as well as prepping samples for the OT and MPC

Can you explain this a little more just to give me some ideas. Program changes? I know what they are and what they do but give me a practical example of how you were using this please. Sounds exciting.

Hi. I haven’t got my machines to hand at the moment, but I’ll try and recall from memory …
When you set up a ‘track’ in the MPC, (I use JJOS2) there is an option on the main page, I think on the right, I think it’s labelled PC. With this you can send program change information, so when that track is triggered it tells whichever midi device is allocated to that track (I set up my elektron boxes on different midi channels) to change its program, which in elektron speak is changing bank / pattern.
Just experiment with that. I think 01 = bank A / pattern 1
You can then either mute tracks in MPC to achieve different program changes, or have multiple sequences, IE … Sequence 1 would be pattern 1 on your machinedrum, sequence 2 has the same settings, but the track is assigned to pattern 2.
I’m hoping I’ve given you the correct info, as I say, I don’t have my machines to hand, but it did work smoothly.
I also used my MPC to play my Machinedrum, I assigned each of the pads to trigger a different sound in the MD, as well as sending PC’s
Remember to tell your elektron machines to accept program changes, transport and midi clock. Also remember to tell your MPC to send the same in the settings page, and connect the midi cables to the correct ports accordingly. Good luck, and let me know how you get on.
It’s worth the hassle in setting it up, as then you can save that setup as a template :slight_smile:

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I bought an beat up old MPC1000 out of interest, upgraded it with JJOS and refurbed the hell out of it. It completely knocks the pants off the DT now, its got stereo sampling, multiple outs, digital I/O, better sequencer, uber fast workflow, Instrument program mode (keymaps), Step Sequencing… Its by far the best drum sampler out there beating event the newer MPC’s in HW and SW features. PLUS its way cheaper than a new DT.

My DT is hardly on, kind of waiting to see what the OB fuss is all about, but its highly likely to be sold and a another brilliant MPC1000 with JJOS purchased to replace it.

oh…SONG MODE and zero bugs

MPC = Pedigree
DT = Limited Toy

1k crew!! even as a massive 1000 fan I’ve gotta say DT does excel in a few ways. I won’t even touch the 1ks FX, and the filters aren’t all that. OB is surely coming eventually so DTs got that. Sample transfer isnt much fun on the MPC either but you can use CF cards so that’s not so bad. DT fits in perfectly with an elektron setup workflow wise and aesthetically which is a bonus. You’re totally right that you get far more bang for buck out of the 1k and it’s a great box but that doesn’t make DT a toy, it’s just not supposed to be an MPC, more of a drum machine that has so many features it’s reaching MPC level

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Sure the MPC1000 has more features, I’ve been using one for quite a while and it is excellent - a true classic. But quite often I prefer simplicity - if a device can get the job done easier and quicker, then making music is more fun.

I just picked up a DT yesterday and I’m going to give it a few weeks to figure out if it will replace my MPC1000. I know it won’t match it in several areas, but quite often I don’t use the MPC to its fullest potential. And the DT has a few tricks that the MPC won’t do, plus it’s easier for me to use the x0x style sequencer on the DT (Grid mode on the MPC just isn’t as fun).

One of my all-time favorite drum samplers, the Electribe ES-1, could be considered a “toy”, as if that is some sort of insult…toys are fun :slight_smile: . I’ve owned the original green ES-1 sampler since it was released it 2000, and it is so much fun - quick and immediate interface, limited features, but I still got a lot done with it. I think the DT comes from that same mindset, i.e. it doesn’t try to do everything, but it really excels at what it DOES do.


Isn’t JJOS a user OS? Yes, the MPC has a lot of different features that the DT doesn’t have, but if you were using AKAI’s original OS, how happy you would be? My first drum machine was the MPC2000, and let me tell you- as a hardware drum sequencer, the DT is a dream…in so many ways. It’s not your typical drum machine for sure, but it is not a toy. My friend has a 1000 with JJOS and he says he can’t even have different pattern lengths per track (not sure if that is correct, maybe he has an older JJOS). I think having something like the MPC2000 and the DT would give you the best of all worlds. I myself have a DT and a OT which is about the same.

to compare a DT to a 1K-JJOS2XL might make sense for some,
for me it just does NOT ! really not

OB thread btw.
i guess if there would be news we would hear at superbooth, not earlier.

And if you could go back to the AKAI forums from the MPC1000 for the first couple years, I’m sure there were many problems. I think that is why the JJOS ended up being made.

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Haha these are great…
Sp1200 = Toy
Mpc60 = Toy
S900 = Toy
S612 = Toy

According to your apparent gauge of pedigree :joy:

Where do I located the options to so no matter how hard or soft I hit a pad, they all play at the same velocity setting thanks?

Turn off full level

You want to turn ON full level (probably what @Strangelov3 meant) - and also, if you hold the button down and turn the jog wheel, you can set the velocity level to whatever value you like and all the pads will play at that level.

Are you guys talking about the other menu? mod+pad10? I can’t get either to work, pressing full levell, the button doesn’t highlight? and holding the button down and job wheel does nothing either.

I can change the numbers 25/25 for velo and pressure, but it’s still not playing at one level.