Mpc 1000

If full level won’t light up, sounds like you have a bad tact switch.

They ever been replaced?
I’ve replaced the switches twice on my mpc I’ve had for like 8 years

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Definitely a tact switch. Just replaced my UP directional switch. Pretty simple to do.

Has anybody else been dreaming of a battery powered portable MPC 1000?


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sorry for bumping up a dusty thread. I didn’t wanted to create a separate thread as there was already an existing one.

Can someone tell me why MPC1000’s are still quite expensive even more than the MPC One? Is it because of it’s vintage feel or is there something that no device has?

tried to check on youtube but nowadays, youtubers are only expected biased positive feeling (with amazon purchase links below) and it’s very hard to find objective comments as they’re either downvoted or ‘algorithmically’ removed from searches.

It has more i/o options than the One, I guess - two sets of MIDI, four assignable outputs and digital - and also JJOS, which expands it massively. You can add an internal hard drive, too, and it’s a compact little device. Very quick to operate via muscle memory, and you’re not obliged to deal with a touch screen if you don’t want to. Mine is laid up at the moment, though, because of various worn-out tact switches (likely to be a common issue with these now, I’d say), and I think the One brings enough improvements to make it a better bet overall. I expect the 1K is enjoying some out-of-production mystique, or maybe an old Autechre article has been doing the rounds.


I think an MPC with JJOS is a better competitor to the current MPCs that any other device. It just does everything you need. I have an MPC Live and I’d love to be able to operate on the event grid using the cursor keys and pads like I spent years doing on my 1K

But I think that’s the prices are mainly to do with old gear mystique. I’m on the second set of tact switches on mine & they are going as well.

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Had the original blue MPC1K. JJOS and the option to add an internal drive were much appreciated, as was the addition of the better pads when they became available. Only issue I had with mine after a lot of use was the jog wheel skipping. Raised a ticket and sent it to them for replacement and it was fine after that.

Very powerful device. Sold mine to buy a Live, which is better for me.


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All the above.But me personally its also the sound.In some or many respects the One is better.But the 1000 has this kind of compacted raw sound that has imo quite a bit more personality.The master EQ and compressor are vital to Carve,compound and finish it off.Definately an acquired taste.Its got ghetto cred now…)

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It looks like there’s one on Reverb for $514. That’s about what I paid for mine in 2008.

I don’t use mine much anymore but it’s a great machine. It’s the most fun thing to slice up loops with - fast and precise. The sequencer is really nothing special, though, other than having 64 tracks and pretty nice muting options.

Personally I would have an MPC 1000 over a One or a Live. And I’ve had all of them. The reason is the feeling I get when using them - I feel inspired in front of a 1000, whereas I feel like I’m looking at a tablet with pads and knobs when I’m in front of a newer MPC. Obviously that’s down to me and they’re all computers at the end of the day, but try as I might I didn’t feel anything when making music on the newer ones. :confused:


What’s great about MPCs is that when the 1000 was still current people would be moaning about it lacking the mojo of the 60 / 3000, and now it’s the 1000’s turn to be the magical one, probably because the earlier ones have passed further into oligarch territory. The One will get there eventually, but not while it’s still in the shops.


The new gen of mpcs are just a revamp of the MPC fly


It seems this battery mod is available now? Anyone taken the plunge?


sure did!


beyond what everyone else has mentioned, one more wonderful thing about the 1000 (and older MPC) is that pretty much all of it is serviceable / customizable by anyone w/ a screwdriver and a soldering iron. By now there are so many replacement parts available you could conceivably keep one going forever… I kind of doubt that will be the case with the newer touch screen MPCs.

I got mine at a pawn shop for $250 and have put at least $300 back into it to add things like an sd card “hard drive”, pad upgrade and now the modular sound rechargeable battery system. I don’t think there is more I’ll want to change about it but it is fun to tinker.


Tape trick under the pads was essential to me (i used 3/4 layers of electrical insulation tape) makes them very sensitive.Different Coloured screen upgrade is cool…

Great to see this in action. What’s the run time on it?
Or does it run off an external battery? Can’t tell if the screen is on from your angle.

Ah, excellent!

How was the install? It seems quite involved from the quick skim I gave the tutorial video.

What kind of battery life are you getting?

I didn’t expect to be interested in a having a 1000 again - but now…

It was pretty straightforward. the videos are well done.

think I am getting a little over 3 hours but I haven’t timed it.

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I’m resurrecting this thread because IMHO it’s still relevant and I have a question. Does anyone know what kind of footswitch works with an mpc 1000? Is it basically any switch with a 1/4" end? Would a sustain pedal work? Where are my mpc experts?

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