Mpc 1000

Probably an FS-5U or FS-5L depending on if you need latching for the function you want. Saw something in the MPC forums about JJOS having more foot pedal settings available than the AkaiOS, but I’ve only ever had JJ so not sure if that affects you.

I am having issues with mounting a CF card in my MPC1000 to my Mac desktop.

I bought a new CF Card for my MPC1000 with the latest JJOS2xl OS (3.79)
The CF card is a SanDisk Extreme Pro 32gb.

I formatted the CF card in the MPC1000.
I can read and write to the card within the MPC1000 itself, by which I mean that I can create folders, save a program with samples, and save sequences, all to the card.
Then, I can turn the MPC off, turn it back on and load what I had saved before, program with samples and sequences.
So, I know I can read and write to this new CF card, same as my old CF card that is only 512mb.

BUT, I cannot get the new card to mount on my Mac desktop EVEN THOUGH the old CF card will. It just hangs on the MPC1000 screen where it says “Accessing…”

Here is something I noticed:

VV old CF card VV


VV new CF card VV


So, on my old CF card (which mounts on Mac) I can see from the system report that one of the things it states is that the card is “Writable: Yes” and it also notes a “Mount Point”.

On my new card it does not even have the “Writable” category and no “Mount Point” info.

So, any idea what is going on?
The new Card is writable when it is in the MPC1000 because I was able to save and load from it.
So why doesn’t the Mac want to see it? OR am I being impatient since the 32gb card is so much bigger than the 512mb card that it takes longer to find the “Mount Point”?

Does it seem odd that the Mac System Report can “see” the 32gb card and give me the info above, but the card itself doesn’t mount on the desktop?

Thanks for reading, and I would appreciate any thoughts on this issue.

Try formatting it on the mac 1st or better yet, windows.
Also I’ve used 128gb cards (sd to cf adapter) with no issues.

Yeah. Also had 128gb internally.

ah! thank you both for your feedback.
I could probably borrow a neighbor’s CF card reader and hook that directly up to my Mac, and then format again as MS-DOS FAT32 ?
Do I need to give the card a specific name? MPC1000 ?

I have indeed asked over there as well. But I always like to get the Elektronaut perspective!
I will probably end up buying a smaller storage space card (also slower), I was too greedy with the idea of 32gb !

But first I will try formatting again with a usb card reader and a PC.

Hi @IanEye I sold my mpc 1000 in 2006. The USB drive was so finicky and slow. So I usually would grab a card reader to setup my sample folders. 32GB might be too high but should work for it. What may happen is the OS may only see 16GB / 8GB of the card. Trust me with 128MB of single shots and loops loaded up you can do a full live set with this MPC. I used to leave Uni classes early to drive to my friend’s garage where we would have our MPC sets ready to go. We spent easily 2 hours of playing loops and one shots with my MPC 1000 and his 2000XL. Even with a two hour set I think I was only using 40MB of ram because I would chop ahead of time in Adobe audition and all my loop points would land against his on his mpc and his turntable. I missed those days because we would spin a wheel and pick a genre to play. Some days were hip hop some were techno, and some were house.


Not sure if this helps but I snagged a IDE to SD card reader and installed it in the hdd bay of the 2500. I don’t find the USB transfer rates to and from my computer that bad.

This one works fine in my MPC1000 with JJOS.
I literally just pulled it out and took a picture.


Haven’t been able to get on the JJOS site all day:


It says “Under maintenance now…” but no specifics.

He released JJOS updates earlier this month so my guess is that it’s either genuinely being updated or a temporary glitch.

…or he died and had the website set to auto destruct on death?

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Well, I for one, hope ol’ JJ is doin’ ok. And I hope you are doin’ ok as well.



The Japanese Jenius must be alive after all. :smiley:


Dusted off the MPC 1k last week after a couple of years of using the Digitakt - my poor brain does not know how to use it anymore. I was never particularly good on the MPC but the difference between sequencing on it and the DT is immense. Such an advancement of tech/UI since the MPC was made.

Is anybody using both? I guess the main purpose would be to have the MPC changing patterns on the DT to have make longer ‘songs’ or whatever but I’m not sure if there’s much else to gain from the set up.

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I had no idea he was still updating this os - thanks for the heads up!



Yeah that’s exactly it, it just takes so much longer to navigate between things.

The website seems back in commission again!

I reckon this URL is the best starting point:

Is anyone still using an Mpc1000 with jjos?

Does it have any advantage over MpcOne or Live? Is it hard to navigate through it?

There’s something about it that attracts me much more than the newer units, possibly bc of the archaic look; and i was thinking maybe to try it out, even tho i already have OTmk2 and Sp404mk2 and im no stranger to DAWs. Im probably just GASing as always :slight_smile:

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It is archaic as you say and at first, jjos is a little difficult to navigate simply because of the language barrier but it’s very powerful. I have owned the mpc live 2 and still have an mpc 1000. I like the 1000 better. I do still wish I had the live 2 around. Had to sell it and my OT MK2. I’m gassing too trying to figure out which one I want to get back but I actually have enough samplers (polyend tracker, og op-1, op-1f, ableton live, mpc1000, etc.). You probably don’t need it. Just my five cents….

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