Mpc 1000

Ah yes i know :slight_smile:

My 1K has been out of use for a good while because it needs a couple of tact switch replacements, but I doubt Iā€™d want to use it these days anyway. Things are just easier & more convenient on the modern models (or the SP), and even though JJOS does have some nice depths, for me itā€™s just not enough to justify the other aspects.

My 2KXL also needs some attention, but I think Iā€™d be more inclined to use that, mainly for the pad feel (and also Iā€™d probably prefer the simplicity to the intricacy of JJOS).

It was a great sampler (and sequencer) in its heyday, and a lot of what made it great still works and will never change - but things inevitably get more convenient as progress marches on.

Ultimately, if sampler elves fixed it overnight, I canā€™t really think of a reason Iā€™d use it instead of the Force, One or SP.


Thnx for the reply! Yes, i believe ill have to miss it in this life! :wink: ā€¦ i missed the heydays and ill leave it there

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I wanted a 1000 so bad back in the day. Kids, house, and just trying to make life work said otherwise. I just couldnā€™t justify the purchase. It all worked out but I still keep an eye open for a deal.

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I learned to make beats on the 1000 with jjos1 back in the early 2000ā€™s, so I have a lot of warm feelings for the unit. It sits somewhere between the ā€˜archaic but oldschool feeling/soundingā€™ mpcā€™s and the newer ā€˜daw in a boxā€™ ones.

In that sense it can do a lot, and has a nice oldschool workflow if youre not into touchscreens. The downsides are plenty though:

-shakey build quality at best
-the sound quality is like early 2000 prosumer audio interfaces which might have its charm, but itā€™s far from the punch older mpc models have, and far from the detailed quality of the newer models.
-the fx are just plain bad, and not in a:ā€™ so bad its good againā€™ way.

I still feel like jjos is a piece of art though. The functionality and workflow jj got into this machine is still way above what most modern machines can do. Audio tracks, midi sequencing, lfoā€™s, filters, step sequencer, slider functionsā€¦ it baffles me how newer machines still manage to fall short of an early 2000ā€™s homemade os.


Totally agree with you, it has a ā€˜soundā€™ which may not appeal to everyone. I love the master EQ and compressor though, that makes it sound super punchy if you want it to. Personally I adore the 1000, itā€™s my favourite MPC by a long shot. Feels like an instrument, a piece of gear which you can really dig into and personalise, inside and out. Itā€™s like a language rather than a sampler. A means of communicating in the form of music. I donā€™t get that with the Love and the One and the X. They do too much. I donā€™t want inbuilt synths and drum machines and a million effects, too complex.


I think the 1000 is a neat idea, but in practice the load times were just unbearable for me. I donā€™t see this talked about much, but be aware that if you get an MPC1000 youā€™ll be dealing with load/save times that are far from a modern experience.


You can get CF to SD card and even SSD upgrades but honestly the wait times never bothered me. And itā€™s much better than the zip drives of yore. ;D


Yeah I had a CF reader on mine + an internal hard drive (though not SSD). It just wasnā€™t cutting it for me, things took waaaaay to long till I could get going or save & close.

Iā€™m glad you donā€™t mind, itā€™s a cool device otherwise, especially with JJOSXL. And youā€™re right, they are still computing miracles compared to the loading times we had to endure with 90s tech :slight_smile:

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It can be a nuisance when youā€™re sat there loading one of your templates for an 808 kit or something and it takes forever. Especially when you assign different samples for different velocities. That said, itā€™s ample time to go and make a brew haha.

I often find myself pining for another MPC 1000. Iā€™ve had four in the last 6 years, and a 2500. Also had two Lives and a One. Out of them all Iā€™d have a 1000 again. That said, I got my MacBook Air M1 with the caveat that while it was expensive, it would mean I would never buy a hardware sampler as Ableton Live 11 is so damn good. So Iā€™m sticking to that. But I would love to see a 1000 on my desk againā€¦


nothing is slower than trying to fill up its CF card via the USB, lol

edit: i still kinda miss that thing @joeyfivecents, but i refuse to buy another. Modular also discontinued the battery mod, available while supplies last for those interestedā€¦

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Hey, thanks for this thread, I find myself in a very similar situation - bought an MPC1000 about ten years ago and gave up on it after about ten hours of frustration (I moved over to Logic etc). I just couldnā€™t understand the difference between programs, projects etc. I must have re-made the same loop about 20 times and just got bored of being frustrated.
I now have an OT and am looking around for another sampler to do some of the heavy lifting, and just suddenly remembered Iā€™ve got an MPC sitting in a cupboard!

Iā€™ll be reading the rest of this thread with interest. :nerd_face:

p.s - Funnily enough, I was just about to get a Polyend Tracker before I remembered my MPC. Now Iā€™m checking out your Soundcloud and I see a Tracker popping up in a lot of imagesā€¦


yeah when I first got the Tracker it was really inspiring and I made a lot of music with it. It and the mpc have not gotten a lot of use here lately just because Iā€™ve been stuck on the op-1 field. I go through different stages. Last couple of days itā€™s been Moog Grandmother, Hologram Microcosm, and Ableton Live. Tracker and mpc will both get used soon, theyā€™re calling me again.
EDIT: And I am actively trying to sell this Grandmother if anyone is interested. Message me.

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Sounds dope, reminds me of switching guitar pedals round every now and then. Keep the palette limited.
Iā€™ve got an SH101 too, but thought Iā€™d get the MPC sorted before I take on that challenge. Plus maybe I can use them both togetherā€¦

just use the autoload and you are good. you can store 28mins or of stereo audio which is pretty decent amount. Needs bit of organizing but i have played tons of gigs with mine and just one load before my set starts and Im set. Even the almost full 128mb takes only couple minutes tops.

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Cheers man, Iā€™ve long moved on from mine, itā€™s a fun device once all is loaded up, but getting it all loaded felt like copying hard disks in the 90s :slight_smile:

I do love the look and feel of the 1000 otherwise, especially with JJOSXL the software was on point as well.

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yeah it is bit of a stretch to use it nowadays for anything else than maybe gigs (because it is way more reliable and way more cheaper than top of the line laptop) but I do like the workflow and sequencing possibilities vs elektron devices way more. Never vibed with the new touch screen ones, I am sure they are awesome but have 0 interest in those.

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You have to be in what I call ā€œnerd modeā€, which I am in a lot of the time. What I mean is, you have to really appreciate the entire process: the waiting around to load, the old technology, and just admiring the machine itself. Thereā€™s an interview with Gold Panda in the new issue of Future Music where he talks about this. Itā€™s just a special machine to me. However, op-1 and Tracker, to me, are both better versions of this. A lot of people donā€™t realize or at least donā€™t comment on how MPC-like the op-1 really is, but way more immediate and quicker.

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