MPC 5K and Digitone midi sync issue

Greetings Elektronauts,
Today I got stuck big time, in an annoying midi delay situation as I tried to play different sequences on the MPC and recall the corresponding pattern on the DN by means of Midi program change. The connection is successful but the patterns on the DN change 1 beat later.
Right now I have set the CH:Len = 2 and M:Len = 128 ( based on a 64 step in 1/2 scale resolution ) still 1 beat after.
Has anyone here ever had the same issues concerning changing patterns by program change externally?
I have the latest version 1.30 and according to Eleks, this issue was resolved in an update from 1.01 to 1.02 sometime ago, Well obviously not completely!

Any idea would be appreciated!

Have you tried CH: len 128?

Anything above 2 in chLen value will delay the change even more. At 128 the change occurs one loop later.

Yeah I had the same issue when sending programme changes from my TR8-S to the digitone.
Have you tried having Digitone as master? It works fine for me if digitone sends the programme change.

I have had the DN as master up until today! Unfortunately because DN doesn’t support song mode ( I know you can chain patterns together but you can’t save them )

I changed to the MPC as the master because the 5k has 4 midi outputs which makes it a versatile midi sequencer/controller, but I didn’t expect this. To happen.

Yeah its a pain. The octatrack changes late too.
But all is well when Elektrons send the PC message.

I prefer not to use song modes so for me, I can live with elektrons as master.

I hope you find a solution!

As a matter of fact … this applies to all Elektron sequencers and possibly also for the MPC 5k … the CC PC is received, but the track loops to its end and then the pattern is changed.

If not in a live situation, where we would want to switch the pattern in an instant, a workaround might be to send the CC PC one beat in advance.

@SoundRider do you mean a pc? If it’s a cc message, where can I find the DN cc values for play and stop?
In 5k I can send all sorts of midi messages from the step edit window (event list) including control changes.
Must admit though, the program changes I sent from there did not fix the pattern sync issues between the two. The result was the same as sending the midi values from a designated MPC track; one step delay on DN.

Ooops, sorry, you are absolutly correct … it should be PC. I will edit it.

That’s because the receiving sequencer plays to the end of the pattern before executing the pattern change command.

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