MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 2)

:slight_smile: maybe a little but donā€™t count it out, I guess it all comes down to the workflow, when you marry the right workflow to a person itā€™s magical no matter what it is but this is a good video for those who are more familiar with the octatrack, looking to relate to the mpc

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The only things the Octatrack does that still make it valuable, IMO, are itā€™s ability to live loop and itā€™s scenes functionality (and how you can smoothly move into them with the crossfader). It doesnā€™t do anything else that you canā€™t do much better elsewhere, even on other Elektron devices.
Also, itā€™s tricks have been played to death now and become a bit cliched/wornā€¦ reminds me of what happened with the Kaoss Pad.


In MY opinion the Octatrack is much better on the workflow side, but the sound of the MPC (especially the FX) is light-years ahead!!!
When then workflow and the Midiclock problem on the MPC gets improvements in future updates, I will put my beloved OT aside for sure!

MPC canā€™t do odd numbered steps and loop infinitely so the sequence never starts over.

Plus, you have to be in the Next Seq page to change sequences on the next bar we f you got something longer than 16 steps.

Agreed, for some reason I thought they said 23rd of May so I was a bit bummed when I realised it was June :slight_smile:

Except song mode :popcorn:

Seriously though, Iā€™ve been eyeing an MPC Live 2 but even if I get one, my OT is not going anywhere

MPC song mode is a completely different level to Elektrons.

(I always feel a slight need to mention that I do really love my Elektron devices for what they are! :v:)

Yeah Iā€™m just saying OT is one of like 3 Elektron boxes that do song mode, and the rest dont do it at all

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It kinda canā€¦ you can set a seq to run for a lot of bars before repeating.

And how much do you need this in real terms really? Iā€™d much rather be able to create repeatable 16, 32 (anything over 4) bar patterns/seqs.

Agree with you on thisā€¦ unless you create songs. It would be cool if you could set/define the change quantisation time, and not just have ā€˜end of sequenceā€™ or ā€˜next barā€™ as options.

I hear you. I find Ableton is fantastic for this though, itā€™s like my Elektron Song Mode Master that works across them all and changes them consistently.

Iā€™ve been trying to use Ableton as the song mode master, but have kept getting distracted, lol.

I have however been using it consistently for audio multitracking.

If I get a Syntakt, Iā€™ll probably just record its audio into Ableton, and overdub live instruments

Dissonant techno patterns

MpC song mode kinda makes perfect sense to me, build you patterns, tap the pad to queue them in your order, bounce to a sequence and record transitions. Export to stems and mix. Boom. Money!!!


I will say this. What I love about the MPC is Mute automation to build sequences. Love that.

Editing the mutes takes some patience, but itā€™s worth it.

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Hah, I didnā€™t mean to start a comparison of features etc. I just meant that the video went from a clip of a brand new mpc live ii with a nice color touch screen to a an old grainy closeup of an octatrack that made it look like it was a video from the 90s.

By the way, I ended up getting the MPC bible and it is great so far, thanks for the recommendation!

Now can anyone recommend a stand to hold it at more of an angle for easier use of the screen?

Edit: Iā€™m now about half way through the mpc bible. It is amazing, I couldnā€™t imagine there being anything better, if someone has been on the fence about getting it do yourself a favor and get it, it is a bargain for the price!


A cheap option is the ikea BRƄDA


Isnt there a sudden option as well for sequences?

Yes, available in the Next Seq window.

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@HBIII I took a hacksaw to an ikea Brada the other day lol. Someone with decent tools and more patience could do a cleaner job but I just wanted the lip out the way of the knobs and inputs/SD etc