MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 2)

Yeah that’s the bad thing about some modern gear like this, I don’t think I’ll still be using the live in 10 years (or even 5), but the 60 or 3000 would last me a lifetime. But whatever lets me chop with the least trouble right now is what I want I guess…

No doubt it’s the most efficient sampler I’ve ever used.

I still have and use my 2500 for the all the outs and extra midi. JJOS is also more fun to perform with But it isn’t my workhorse anymore as the new gen is lightning quick for utilitarian stuff like making and saving programs.

I have little doubt next gen of boxes will leave all the current crop miles behind. 5 years sounds about right.

I def miss the phono input on the live :confused:. Was the sticking point before I sold it. Doubt I’ll see that on another sampler again.

I actually bought a good phono preamp and it is quite a bit better than any built-in one I’ve used (or on any dj mixers I’ve used). But since the live is portable I am sure it is nice to have.

Yeah, it doesn’t look that bad but I understand it’s the feel of glue. Does it rub off with some rubbing alcohol?

I wonder if they coated it with TPE. :thinking:

Might be one of the understated values of the X. Assuming there isn’t some unforeseen internal part failure I can see mine lasting a long long time, feels like a tank. Would prefer wood sides to the plastic ones but that’s easy enough to change. Shame about the live coating I wonder if future revisions will fix it. The one seemed nice too, smooth iirc

Off topic but it ruffles my feathers when i see people say the mpc is just a daw in a box. Didn’t people use to say they wanted ableton etc in standalone?

Anyways carry on…


you can’t win. people want a DAW in an OP-1 format. It’s just not possible to please everyone.

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And it should cost no more than 499€.

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No doubt. The X is quite robust indeed. It also has more of a button per function. I seem to be the only person who rants about the live and one not having the F buttons under the screen like every mpc ever. But as the OS has evolved hasn’t some of the labeling on the X become outdated?

Anyways I can’t afford an X especially here in Australia where they are creeping up on 3grand :face_vomiting:. I don’t think it would speed up my workflow as I’ve used the new gen since launch and get around the OS quick.

In general the os really is a bit schizo and not intuitive for fluid live performing the way I want, but as a power sampler and multi track recorder (audio interface) its the business.

It is a Daw in a box, among other things.
Sometimes I use it solely as such, other times I use it as a finger drumming instrument, sometimes just as a sampling and sound design playground. It is a lot of things in a box and this is confusing to some…

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Show me a DAW that isn’t in a box.


It should be digital-sounding analog, a true 24bit 96khz lofi machine

@Strangelov3 damn 3 grand that’s outrageous. Are all the gear prices high over there? yeah most people don’t really need an X but it’s awesome to have. I think it’s really cool that they haven’t nerfed features through the range. I’d get on fine with a one or a live too. All the labelling is fine the UI hasn’t really changed to that extent as far as I know

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Put that in a box immediately.


I’m interested to hear if and how people are using their MPC to play live. I’m sure people have many different approaches so maybe your techniques and setup will help me improve my workflow.

Edit: Perhaps I can add, can you improvise a live set on an MPC?

Perfect question for @CCMP!

Sounds interesting. Care to elaborate?

I changed my workflow to Octatrack, I didn’t like the latency of the looper.
But the idea was good, and I did enjoy.
Another reason I love my OT, is that it’s less blinky, less screen, less dust, more unpredictability
Many reasons to hate my OT though.
But the looping workflow is amazing, I still love my OT for this, The iPad app Loopy pro is also very good for this.

Just got the Live 2. This thing is massive! And yes, I can already tell it’s going to be a dust magnet. I do like the buttons though, they’re still clicky but much more discrete than the One. Much more compatible with a sleeping wife. :blush:


My past experience has been…trying to take that stuff off with alcohol just makes a mess.

It’s worse than it looks. It’s goopy, and can’t help but feel like it’s gotta be sorta toxic.

WTF is wrong with metal or even just plain ol plastic. This silicon crap is just that.