Multi-midi routing DT

Hi guys, i have a question: can DT give midi by midi out and usb-midi at the same time? Perhaps I described it incorrectly, so I will let you know what I want to get. I want to give 4 midi channels to DN by midi out, the other 4 midi channels through usb-midi fh-2 expert sleepers. If you have more correct or convenient solutions, please tell me, also on choosing a midi-cv converter, the decision is not final and i search more useful solution. Thanks.

Yes. Just set the USB port to MIDI out and it will work fine. That’s exactly what I’m doing right now with MIDI DIN feeding the DT from the DN, and MIDI USB from the DN to my iPad.

I also use both usb and 5-pin simultaneously. My DT audio and midi goes in and out of an IPad using AUM, then the 5-pin goes into my Akai Force. This allows me to use midi generator apps from the iPad into the DT and or the Force, or to sequence from the Force into IPad synth apps, etc.